Pain in bones: Iv been experiencing horrible aching... - LUPUS UK


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Pain in bones

12 Replies

Iv been experiencing horrible aching/shooting pain in my bones in certain areas of my body for past 2 days, it's been the worst today though from my foot/ ankle, shoulder and both shins.. I'm not sure if this is a new symptom of lupus and mixed connective tissue disease or is it a side effect from my steroid injection I had a week ago? I haven't had no relief as of yet from the injection I had so not sure if it's worth calling my consultant or am I being dramatic don't want to waste his time...

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12 Replies

I have this a lot presently - most painfully when I'm resting -in my ankles, shins and knees, but also in my hands and wrist a little. No answers yet I'm afraid but lots of sympathy.

Penelope-Mary profile image

It's always better to be checked out but...I'm familiar with these pains!

Sounds very much a connective -tissue -dysfunction 😢



tracynoe profile image

I get this too and I find mine is worse when my vit d levels are low

LilT1209 profile image
LilT1209 in reply to tracynoe

I feel the same way tracynoe! My Vit D levels have been very low for many years. My Endocrinologist even put me on the higher dose, prescription Vit D pills, several times to bring them up, but they always go back down within a short period of time, and she couldn't put me on them too often, due to possible kidney damage. So my Endo. said to start taking over the counter Vit. D supplements, but after a week or so, they caused severe stomach cramps and constipation, plus, by my blood work, they didn't seem to be helping much either! I've noticed in the last few years, I crave milk way more than I ever have in my entire life, and occasionally cheese. If I forget to buy milk & don't have any in my house, esp. in the evening or bedtime, when the cravings become worse, I'm like a druggie w/o a fix, but mine's whole milk! I can't count how many times I've thrown my clothes on or a coat over my pj's, and drove to the store to get a gallon! I've even paid almost double for a gal. of milk, at convenient stores, when everything else is closed, and didn't bat an eyelash, because if I don't have any, I can sleep, that's all I can think about! Lol I was also diagnosed with stage 4 Non Hodgkins Lymphoma, about 2yrs ago, which I think I may have had for close to 8 years, judging by my past bloodwork, before they officially diagnosed me. I wasn't sure if it was the cancer causing the pain in my bones/muscles, or the Lupus/Connective Tissue Disease, along with a Vit. D deficiency? I'm pretty sure after reading this, it's probably the Lupus/Connective Tissue Disease or maybe a little of everything combined ? Have you or anyone out there, had any significant relief with any of over the counter Vit D supplements? I was told the supplements don't really help much, and the only real way to replenish your bodies Vit. D, is to try to get 15-20 minutes of sun light daily & not to shower for several hours after, since we asorb it through our skin. I also take a lot of medications that may be causing my Vit. D deficiency, Metformin is one I take for type 2 diabetes, which causes a Vit B deficiency, so I've been using a liquid form, under my tongue, for a while, which seems to help a little. My dentist is the one who actually told me the Vit. B supplement pills, don't help, because it has to be absorbed under the tongue or by injection. Sun is one thing I've definitely been lacking for the last 6 to 7 years, especially since I haven't been feeling well from the cancer, I don't get outside like I used to. I do notice that I feel better for a few days, after I've had a few hours of sun, which isn't very often! If anyone has any recommendations, I'd love to hear about them, the pain in my legs is becoming unbareable, and pain medications just don't seem to help much with this type of pain! Thanks All!

loopy-lou profile image

I have also just had a month of exactly the same combination of areas so I sympathise. I found it worse when I was resting. I am on steroids, hydroxychloroquine, methotrexate 20mg, vit d etc and still got it. It is always worth getting it checked out if it becomes unbearable.

I spoke to my consultant today he wants to see me first thing thursday morning, he wants me to put me on vit d tablets and start me on hydroxychoroquine 2 months early...

nurse_ratchet profile image

I am very familiar with these bone pains also :/


homemaker profile image

I have this too. This is due to Vitamin D deficiency. I take 50,000units.

That leads to all auto immune diseases. Bone majorly!!

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK in reply to homemaker

Hi homemaker ,

Have you discussed your Vitamin D supplements with your doctor? It is recommended that you should not exceed 25 micrograms (0.025mg, 1,000 IU) a day, as it could be harmful.

Taking too many vitamin D supplements over a long period of time can cause more calcium to be absorbed than can be excreted.

The excess calcium can be deposited in and damage the kidneys. Excessive intake of vitamin D can also encourage calcium to be removed from bones, which can soften and weaken them.

homemaker profile image
homemaker in reply to Paul_Howard

Thank you very much for your concern. I took the 50,000U once a week for 3 months. I was prescribed this by my primary Doctor. She now is checking current levels & will take action. My pain is back since I stopped the vitamin D even though I am on prednisone & Plaquenil & weekly metatextrate.

Paul_Howard profile image
Paul_HowardPartnerLUPUS UK in reply to homemaker

Thanks for clarifying homemaker . I hope that your doctor is able to help with your pain.

Neldine profile image
Neldine in reply to Paul_Howard

Know firsthand what a laugh riot kidney stones are. Also got wicked headaches whenever I strained in the slightest bit. Was only taking 5000U. So much for that.

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