I am 52 and my patience are gone. I can't read a... - LUPUS UK


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I am 52 and my patience are gone. I can't read any thing more than 2 or 3 paragraphs. I have forgotten how to count to 50..wow

faceme profile image
4 Replies

At the gym with my sister counting her reps on machine. I got to 45 and then said 55. She looked at me with puzzlement, and exclaimed 46 and it took me for a loop. I looked at her as though those words just magically came out of my mouth. Am I forgetting how to count? Unbelievable, scared to ask what next.

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faceme profile image
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4 Replies
Purpletop profile image

Did you intend to say 46 and said 55, or you thought it was 55?

Secondly, have you recently started new meds? Or increased an existing dose?

Drugs can cause neuro toxicity, sometimes irreversibly. I, for example, cannot add up in my head anymore as a result of a drug I took at the smallest dose for only 4 weeks.

If yours isn't drug related, are you in a flare?

If nit in a flare, I think it's time to see a neurologist and have a cognitive function test. The neuro will check your reflexes, etc, while the test will check the way your mind works against a certain standard expected at your age.

I know how worrying this must be for you, it is so disconcerting to find you're having an "off" moment. But do see a neurologist about it, they have experience in the field and can tell you whether it is something to worry about or not.

gazorpf profile image
gazorpf in reply to Purpletop

Cognitive dysfunction can have many sources. Lupus is just one source. Minds wander because that is what minds do. If you were counting reps and your mind wandered off to something else like remodeling your bathroom, you would easily lose track of counting reps.

Living with chronic illness causes stress. Stress may make it difficult to concentrate. If you have larger concerns, it's easy to lose track of what you are thinking when it comes to smaller concerns.

If you continue to have problems on a regular basis, talk with your rheumatologist. The problem could be neurological but it is more likely that the problem is psychosocial. Pyschosocial problems are normal with chronic illness and can be addressed with a competent mental health counselor.

When we develop chronic illness, no one teaches us how to be sick well. In acute illness, we get sick, see a doctor, get a treatment plan and get better. In chronic illness we get sick, see a doctor, get a treatment plan that MIGHT work or might not work and stay sick but maybe less sick.

Learning to change one's mindset from acute to chronic illness helps us live better with chronic illness. That acceptance helps us concentrate better on matters at hand.

Firstly I'm impressed you did 46 reps! I cant do two things at once any more. So for instance I could exercise but not use my brian. Just realised I have a brian? Sorry good example. Please don't worry. Do you have any diagnosis? My head fluctuates. Sometimes are totally forget the most basic things, during flares, when Im tired, pre menstrual. But stress is definitely the worst. Seek medical help first it will put your mind at rest.

LUPUSadmin profile image

Hi Faceme,

We have a factsheet that might be of interest to you. It's called 'LUPUS and the Brain' and you can find it here: lupusuk.org.uk/publications. It has a small section on cognitive dysfuntion.

Brain fog (cognitive dysfunction) is actually our topic of the month on here and we've got a whole thread with people offering their tips about it: healthunlocked.com/lupusuk/....

Have you spoken to your GP or consultant about this?


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