I posted a couple of months ago re very bad restless legs, been to doc I have a vitamin deficiency in Folic Acid, will be starting to take them tomorrow so hopefully fingers crossed does the trick. Having a bit of a bad time just now as many of us do just relaxing next few weeks waiting on Christmas & to see my granddaughter getting all excited. Merry Christmas everyone and a good New Year when it comes round.
Restless Legs Update: I posted a couple of months... - LUPUS UK
Restless Legs Update

Hi Loraine14
I started to have restless legs a few years back but recently, after starting to have acupuncture it has virtually disappeared. The hospital said I needed the acupuncture for pain relief but getting rid of the restless legs has been a very welcome side effect!
I was offered acupuncture on NHS but go privately once a f/night. Trying to go 3 weeks between appointments at the moment.
Wishing you good health
Hello Lorraine
Am glad you've got a diagnosis & are on treatment. ๐๐๐๐
Thanks for the update! ๐๐๐๐.
Wishing you happy festive season with your family.
I suffered with restless legs for years , tried lots of different things with no success until on another healthunlocked site someone was saying they had great success with a cream which contained red vine leaves and horse chestnut which they got from Amazon . Well I thought I had nothing to loose getting it to try , it cost underยฃ5 . And I can honestly say it has been marvellous .
Hello Bacardi,
Please could you private message me the name of the product you use for restless legs as I go through bouts of this and it drives me crazy.
Many thanks.
Regards Sarah x
Hi Toby1960,
Please be cautious when using any alternative/complementary therapies or treatments. Lupus is a very varied condition that affects everybody differently. What works for one person may not for another, or could even be potentially harmful. It is always best to discuss them with your doctor first.
Hello Paul,
Sorry for the delay in replying. Many thanks for your wise advice about trying alternative/complementary treatments. I do agree that you have to be extremely careful about what you use/take extra to your nhs meds. I will keep your words in mind.
Just as an extra, I haven't actually been diagnosed with lupus but with secondary sjogrens but I stay a member of this forum as it has such good advice & I am on a lot of the meds that you take for lupus. So I hope it is okay for me to continue to be a member although not a lupus sufferer.
Regards Sarah x
Hi Toby1960, it's a German company that makes the cream, it's called KrauterhoF it has red vine leaves and horse chestnut , if you put that in it comes up on the net , hope it gives you the relieve I have using it . Bacardi .
hi I also suffer with this but taking my amitriptyline at night seem to help me most nights some nights I just have to suffer until I get that tired I fall asleep. I also read to that a glass of tonic water before bed can help this also but I have not tried it. Fingers crossed ur folic acid works.
Happy new year