Hi !! i have p.b.c diagnosed a year ago , i have been told i have another auto immune disease because it has shown up in my blood. i was sent to a consultant because it said i was strongly positive for scleroderma. i had a barium swallow test and it come back i didnt have scleroderma even though it showed up in my blood . I am struggling and confused as i know not all my symptoms are p.b.c related, just to mention a few symptoms , itchy .brain fog,fatigue, joints swelling, numbness, rib pains, pains in legs .fingers swelling, etc . I was just wondering if anyone with lupus can relate to my symptoms ???? i see my p.b.c consultant 15th December, i just want to know what is going on in side my body and hopefully get some medication to help me feel better ,as i have been of work sick for 3 months now as im just not able to work while i feel so lifeless . Any feed back would be very appreciated Thank you .
confused!!: Hi !! i have p.b.c diagnosed a year ago... - LUPUS UK
Nope but I have scleroderma and I can
First of all, lupus carries with it many of the symptoms you describe. You must have had some problems swallowing or with your upper digestive tract if they ordered a barium swallow or they found scleroderma autoantibodies in your blood and wanted to see if you had active disease. A huge number of symptoms for both diseases are the same. In addition, if you have one autoimmune disease you probably have more than one. This is common. It takes time to bring these diseases under control, months or more. Work patiently with your medical team to find the treatment plan that works for you. It is different for each patient. All the best.
Lupus is just used as an excuse for many ailments.
A better idea would be to eliminate any allergies you might have.
I can't understand why doctors haven't done this before - what are they afraid of or who are they afraid of?
Hi hettie01,
The symptoms you describe are commonly associated with lupus. Unfortunately these symptoms can also be common in a number of autoimmune conditions which can make it more difficult to diagnose. Do you know if your consultant intends to do further tests for other conditions following the negative result for scleroderma?
If you require a free lupus information pack which includes details of how it is diagnosed, I would be happy to send you one. Just send me a private message or email paul@lupusuk.org.uk with your name and address.
Hello Paul. I have SLE, and ITP. My lupus was found in a routine platelet count. I want even told till 3 years later. Its taken a year to get a referral to the rheumatologist. I would love to know how they detect it. Would you be able to tell me too? Tia
Hi Jennieja ,
If you would like to read about how lupus is diagnosed I would recommend that you take a look at our blog article here - lupusuk.org.uk/getting-diag...
Hi thank you for your reply,i go to see my consultant on monday so i hope he will recommend further tests,because i do beleave i do have another autoimmune condition. I will contact you after monday then i should know where i go from here!! Thank you
Dont worry i have PBC and Lupus and 2 other immune illnesses. As well as RS and OA, you find if you have one immune problem you are more than likely to have others. It's "just one of those things", keep positive and keep smiling . find a good doc and find out things to help , right meds, look after your self. good luck xxxx