I have SLE, Osteoathritus, Raynaurds and Mennierres I take the usual load of tablets but does anyone take B12 and if so should I be taking this aswell.
B12: I have SLE, Osteoathritus, Raynaurds and... - LUPUS UK

Have you had your B12 levels checked? I haven't figured out exactly which blood test is showing B12 levels so I just keep taking it. I give it to my husband every day as well and his doctor recently told him his levels were very good, so we will keep taking it. There are certain things that can cause low B12, and Lupus is one of them, so I take the supplement.
Have you had your B12 levels checked? I haven't figured out exactly which blood test is showing B12 levels so I just keep taking it. I give it to my husband every day as well and his doctor recently told him his levels were very good, so we will keep taking it. There are certain things that can cause low B12, and Lupus is one of them, so I take the supplement.
I have recently had my vitamin B12 levels checked - there is a seperate blood test. If you are deficient I think b12 is delivered by injection at the GP surgery. Worth asking for the test. My levels were OK. Unfortunately my fatigue and cognitive impairment (lupus brain fog) seem to be lupus and nothing else - so no miracle cure for my symptoms. Good luck!
I have been reading that there is a vast difference between adequate and optimal and that the body always rids itself of any excess B12 so supplementing, if that is correct, should only be beneficial or at least do no harm.
Its like the difference between getting enough vitamin c to prevent scurvy which is quite a low amount as compared to a recommended amount to keep you able to fight off infections.
Curiously how did you find out about Menierres? I have sle and sjogrens and fkr the past few months have terrible woozy feeling in head which comes on just by changing eye position. My balance is totally off and i fall over frequently but I had an mri which came back fine. I also have continuous ringing in both ears and im sure ive lost some hearing. Is this similar towhat you have experienced? sorry to ask on your post but im curious!!

B12 deficiency can cause all those symptoms. I felt like was drunk and couldn't walk in a straight line! Ive just been diagnosed with deficiency as I had all those symptoms and GP sent me for a brain MRI which came back clear. Thankfully he then did a blood test to check my B12 which came back deficient. I now take drops under the tongue daily and after only 10 days am already feeling a difference. May be worth getting that checked.
My GP checked me for Meniere's also by getting me to lie on a bed and then tipping my head backwards and to each side. Apparently they look for something in the eye movement when theyre doing this.
Hope you find some answers soon xxx

I got chucked out of tesco because they thought I was drunk so was determined to get to the bottom of it so after speaking to doctor they sent me to see a ear clinic and they did an MRI and then some tests one made me feel quite sick and they diagnosed me with Mennierres which accounts for the being drunk when your not and having no control of when it's going to happen I take Cinnarazine daily now so only have odd attacks more so now when I'm in a flare with the lupus but I was told it can happen if you have lupus so always ask to be tested no harm in asking I say. And I'm definately going to ask about the B12
My optician diagnosed Sjorgens I told him my eyes kept feeling dry and like I had grit in them so ask them aswell I find it's always wise to ask just in case and when I go to the hospital I always have a list for them
Thanks. I will speak to gp about the drunk feeling. I totally understand what you mean when you call it that...its so frustrating!!,I dont even drink alcohol yet I feel drunk haha!!
My opthamologist along with rheumy diagnosed my sjogrens but the fainting and drunkeness hasnt
I questioned with my GP whether I could hae B12 given in tablet form as the injection makes me feel really poorly for several days after, I assume becuase Lupus acts up as usual and was told that as I'm deficient it wont work in tablet form. He said as my stomach can't soak up the B12 from my food properly it's not going to do it with tablets either and it must be injected. So... I agree, get your level checked and then they'll be able to get you sorted.
I have just recently been diagnosed with B12 deficiency and now take B12 liquid which goes under the tongue and have injections. you don't need to be deficient by much before symptoms occur and my GP said that the range of normal level of B12 is so vast (200-900) that even people who fall into the lower end of the normal range can show symptoms. I don't think supplementing with B12 does any harm as any excess gets eliminated in your urine.
Health food shops do the B12 drops which are absorbed under the tongue. I'd recommend!
If youre worried I'd ask your GP to check - just a simple blood test and results come back within a few days.
Good luck xxx
I got chucked out of tesco because they thought I was drunk so was determined to get to the bottom of it so after speaking to doctor they sent me to see a ear clinic and they did an MRI and then some tests one made me feel quite sick and they diagnosed me with Mennierres which accounts for the being drunk when your not and having no control of when it's going to happen I take Cinnarazine daily now so only have odd attacks more so now when I'm in a flare with the lupus but I was told it can happen if you have lupus so always ask to be tested no harm in asking I say. And I'm definately going to ask about the B12
I have RA and lupus. My red blood cells were enlarged ..... A symptom of b12 deficiency . I now get injections every 3 months. I did not know I was low in b12 till the doctor phoned me.