Has anyone had steroid injection in hips to ease ... - LUPUS UK
Has anyone had steroid injection in hips to ease joint pain ? if so, how did it go and how long before improvement.

Hi Teaspoon
I've had 3 hip injections (bursitis) and 4 shoulder injections (adhesive capsulitis). From memory the improvement began within 1 - 2 days of the jab. Only one of the injections hurt, a shoulder one. Many moons ago I did read on a somewhere that if a steroid injection hurts it's hit the wrong spot, and I can agree with that. The GP who did the hip ones was right on target... phew!
Thanks sazzyb
I had one in each hip yesterday, one was fine no pain at all, the other was hell. Legs feel really heavy today and skin very itchy all over !!!. Fingers crossed wait and see. thanks again
Hi Teaspoon, big ouch, I can imagine what the pain was like. I didn't get any side effects from the hip jabs but did from one on my shoulder. I had quite severe pain and for 2 days couldn't lift my arm above boob height, then it just disappeared and I got a month's relief before it wore off so it was worth it. I believe the itchy skin is quite a common side-effect but it left me alone thank goodness, haha. Hope it all settles down quickly for you to enjoy some pain-free days. xx
If you're referring to the long-lasting steroid, Depo-Medrone, then 24-48 hours and should last some weeks before gradually wearing off. If you're referring to Prednisone, usually injected into the joint, then relief should be fairly immediate but will wear off much sooner.
Hi Teaspoon13
I've had hip joint injections and bursitis ones and had improvement within 24-48 hours. They also lasted the 3 months I think, long time ago!. I hope your one hip settles soon and you get good relief. I didn't have the problem you describe luckily. Fingers crossed for you.X
I have only had steroid injections in foot and in scalp. Both worked for a while but did not really see much improvement after the 2nd lot of injections
I have a labral tear in my right hip I had a steroid injection in a hospital theatre under a live x-ray. Sadly this did not work but this does not mean it wont work for you it's worth trying you have nothing to loose.
Hi I had an injection for a Labral tear as well and I don't think it had worked I am in a lot of pain still, how long was it before you knew it hadn't worked? I don't know what to do and my job requires me to be very fit and healthy!! Not ideal with a hip I can't walk on!
I knew within hours I'm in loads of pain with mine the only thing that helps is rest
I'm exactly the same, everyone else around me seemed to walk around and be much better and I couldn't walk. The doctor just dismissed my concerns though. Have you had any further treatment for it?
The consultant who did mine said my tear was bad and thought the only thing would help was a hip replacement. I have had no further treatment and I'm to young to have a replacement.
I feel my pain is worse when I walk I do go swimming I would ask your GP for a referral
I have also had many jabs into joints. Shoulders, elbows, feet, ankles, and more. I am always told to expect the joint to be much worse for the first 48 hrs, and try to rest the joint in that time. Most of these jabs, didn't get worse, (48hr period), and none of them really worked. However, last year, my rheumy gave me a hip injection. The next few days were awful. I wished that I hadn't had it done, as the pain was so bad. But eventually, it kicked in. The relief was great, and my walking improved massively, as I didn't realise how badly my hips were affecting me. This jab was the worst to have, with the best outcome. I now have depo medrone jabs to help me, but they are not helping my hips. In all, I would say the joint injection lasted about 6 months.
I've had 3 steroid injections in the shoulder (for subacromial impingement). Each time the injection didn't hurt and also contained anaesthetic so there was some immediate pain relief. The first time had no lasting effect at all and the rheumy decided the injection would be more effective in a different part of my shoulder so I had a second one. The result was much better and I had about 50% reduction in pain for about 6 months before it gradually wore off. Rheumy decided on a third injection and again I eventually got further relief for quite a few months. The down side for me was the after effects of the injections were not good. I felt like I had a bad bout of flu, my body ached and I had that painful heavy feeling that others have described. These side effects lasted for 5-7 days and got worse with each of the injections. Rheumy said at the beginning of the treatment that he would do a maximum of 3 injections so I won't be offered any more but overall it was worth it. I still have daily shoulder pain but I have a better range of movement and the pain is nowhere near as bad as it was originally. I hope things work out for you. Good luck.
Thanks for all your words of wisdom !!!. Feel a lot better today, still got the itchy skin but taken antihistamine.
Fingers Crossed !!!!
Yup, I've had 3 into my hip, for bursitis. This was years before I had lupus though. Would echo what the others have said. The first 2 were done by a very horrible grumpy doctor then a clueless doctor, and were incredibly painful - with the first one I couldn't walk for days! Then the third one was done by a different nice doctor, who mumbled darkly something along the lines of 'I don't know what those other guys were doing', and it didn't even hurt and fixed it within a few days! But then I noticed it would get twingy when I ate wheat, so I gave up wheat and have not had it since!
I have a depomedrol injection every 12 wks. In the bum. For all-over joint pains. It can take a few days to take effect, and I feel crap for about a fortnight. But then I feel almost human for about six weeks and most of me functions - hands, feet, arms, legs. Then it tapers off after about 8wks, the joint pains return, and I crawl back to clinic for another injection.
I had a Steroid injection in my left hip Bursa, following many months of deep, dull, unrelenting pain that was even worse at night. I was one of the lucky ones & it worked within a few hours. That was about 5 years ago, 4 yrs ago Dx Lupus & now both hips hurt plus a lot of other joints as well. May be worth a try if your Dr supports it. Best Wishes Kaz xx PS it was not too painful despite what many warned me.