It is my friends dog, who has lupus...i want to try the silver on her...but she is taking Rx narcotics and I'm concerned about interaction/ineffectiveness
On the topic of Colloidal Silver. Does anybody kn... - LUPUS UK
On the topic of Colloidal Silver. Does anybody know....If the body is being pumped with pharmaceuticals Will the Silver be effective?

The dog has Lupus?????
Colloidal silver turns people a blue-grey colour ... , presumably it will do the same to Rover. See "Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit by Stephen Barrett, M.D."...
Yes, this discoloration may occur IF you are a moron and refuse to simply read the label
"Do Not Take For More Than Two Consecutive Weeks". Unlike Pharmaceuticals, you don't need another Rx to remedy this (harmless) side effect. You simply need to read
[quote="ZaNorah"]...Unlike Pharmaceuticals...[/quote]
Collidal silver was a "pharmaceutical" , it's one which is no longer prescribed as better topical antibiotics exist ...
[quote=""] The official drug guidebooks (United States Pharmacopeia and National Formulary) have not listed colloidal silver products since 1975 .[/quote]
No evidence collidal silver it is an effective treatment for any illness when taken systemically ...
[quote=""] evidence has ever shown it effective in vivo (used internally in a living being) ... while it has shown some effectiveness as a topical antibiotic (this means you put it on your skin and don't consume the stuff, folks), its use was superseded long ago by far more effective topical antibiotics ... [/quote]
[quote="ZaNorah"]...remedy this (harmless) side effect ...[/quote]
There is no remedy for agyria : it's irreversible. Papa Smuf died blue, (only 62) ...
would check with a vet before adminstering anything for humans on a dog as they metabolise stuff differently
ie paracetamol is toxic even in small doses as is chocolate so silver could be potentail dangerous
Just a question: does Lupus UK cover animal issues as well? If so, are responses relevant to all of us? I am not being facetious, I just don't want to follow advice which is not relevant to me
LUPUS UK does not advise on any animals affected by lupus. Only people.
Thanks Paul. Glad you've made that clear.
I tried colloidal silver once because I got so tired of getting constant UTIs and didn't want to keep taking antibiotics. I did not see any side effects, but stopped doing when I saw the blue man. His body was literally a dark blue all over from apparently taking to much colloidal silver. Good luck!