Help! My brain has gone crazy. I can't remember what is real and what is fantasy/dream/imagination. It is happening right now. Is this a Lupus thing?
Mental confusion - help!: Help! My brain has gone... - LUPUS UK
Mental confusion - help!
i sometimes think i have dreamed things and think they are real, get confused , itry to keep my brain free of unneccessary things, i dont watch tv and onlly read if i have to
I do get foggy, but daytime illusions and hallucinations only happened when I started ( and quickly gave up) gabapentin. I have found that starting amitryptiline together with my ususal anti-convulsants give me very vivid dreams. These will wear off.
If you're really concerned, a check with your GP might be best.
Yes my neighbour called 999 when I was so spaced out, speech so slow, hospital put it down to brain fog! It lasted a few hours, scary, hope you're feeling better now
Yes I’ve had this. Are you seeing things/ thinking things that aren’t real? I have had some very weird things happening! Mine always come with other neurological symptoms (clumsiness, pins and needles, headache etc) and is always cured very quickly with 40mg of steroids. Mine were a part of the lupus and have stopped now we’ve got the immunosuppression right
My rheumy says these symptoms need an urgent call/ appointment so I’d call yours today. I spent a long time being too embarrassed to tell them the things I was experiencing because it made me feel as if I was going mad but you’re not - it’s just another thing the lupus can do to us and we should be no more embarrassed or ashamed about it than having joint pain or kidney problems and it’s easy to improve with the right treatment.
Thanks Melba1. It was like my mind was running in two parallel strands. One was a random series of events involving my sister and her boys. The other was telling me it wasn’t real and I needed to get back to reality. I spoke to my GP who just seemed to say “how unusual” and “let me know if it happens again”. I’ve been fine overnight but I’ve got the symptoms of yet another cough coming so perhaps this is connected. Life has generally been weird since January when I first became ill !
Your brain can also go a bit weird if you’ve got an infection and/ or fever!
Hope things improve soon
Hi HeKe ,
It's possible this could be due to brain fog. You can read more about brain fog in our article here -
I hate to say, but I disagree. I agree with what other posters, saying. You need to have SLE to know what it is. So, not your fault. You are just lucky.
Hello love
I have temporal love epilepsy (plus lupus - they may be related) which takes the form of feeling other-worldly as if in a dream for about forty seconds, accompanied by quickening heart beat and sense of dread, sweaty palms etc.
The only other time I experienced what you’re describing is when I had depression - I was very confused about reality vs dreams. I think seeing your GP would be a very good idea as a precaution if you have a good one.
I really feel for you. Mental confusion is incredibly disturbing. Try to stay calm, as if you get yourself into a panic your confusion may get worse. Have a cup of tea and take some deep breaths. Close your eyes and try to clear your mind of any stress you may be feeling.
Lots of love and support to you.
Betsy xxxx
Depression can be part of the syndrome.
I've read that and it is worth highlighting. I'm not depressed at the moment And I'm being vigilant. I can quite believe that depression can strike when the fatigue means you end up in bed if you do something normal. I went out horse riding for a hour or so on Thursday and I've been worn out ever since. I normally ride strenuously every day. Fortunately I still have a Joie de vivre and a sense of humour. I've had a gentle stroll today whilst my puppy ran around me like a crazy creature!