You may recall that a few days ago I asked about residual symptoms and whether you still have them while you are on medication. Many of you have responded that yes, there is no symptom free time, other than perhaps few hours here and there or maximum a day at a time.
In my post I also mentioned that I will be seeing my rheumatologist this evening and that I was intending to ask him about the expectation we should have regarding residual symptoms. Some of you wanted to know his views , which why I'm posting this now.
My rheumatologist said that the aim is definitely to get a patient to a symptom free state. He has both patients that are on combinations if drugs and still struggling with residual symptoms on a daily basis but also patients that have reached a symptom free state both with the help of medication but also through natural remission.
So here you have it - there is hope but it will depend on whether our bodies respond to treatment, if they don't, then the treatment needs to be tweaked to the extent possible until we get to a symptom free state. Sadly not everyone can reach that but as I said, this definitely gives me hope.
Meanwhile my dosage has been increased slightly to hopefully tackle my residual symptoms. If the bloods stay ok and symptoms improve, then I'm ecstatic.
Thank you everyone for helping me formulate the right question for my consultation today.