Hi all, I have had lupus 23 years so my list of complaints is huge heyho but its the dizzy spells that are doing me in every time I get up or bend over was just wondering how many of you are experiencing the same ... Gaz
Dizzy spells: Hi all, I have had lupus 23 years so... - LUPUS UK
Dizzy spells

have had dizzy spells for nearly three years
I suffered from really bad dizzy spell, which came on really suddenly enough to sit down as, I couldn't stand, it made me feel really sick. No cause could be found but betahistine has been wonderful. I take 16mgs twice a day, had started on three times.
They have to be prescribed by a Doctor, I don't think there are any important side effects and are cheap .
Gaz have you had your blood pressure checked, laying/standing it can also make you dizzy.
My dizziness now I have been diagnosed with Hughes syndrome I think caused it.
I have been suffering from similar things for months. The dizzy spells are largely hidden as the overwhelming fatigue causes me to take so much rest.
One by one all of my various specialists have said that my condition seems to be under control - which of course means the nest step is that they suggest depression or that its all in your head. I knew that was not the case and so looked again at my meds. I have been treated for high blood pressue and take various meds for this.
At my last specialist appointment I asked about the possibility of low bp. I have great respect for the doctor that I saw, but was dismissed with, "We like low blood pressure"
I have since occasionally missed taking a particular med and have found that the fatigue and dizzy spells have lessened. If this occurs over time I will raise this with my team. I know if I just mention it now I will be told to keep to my prescription.
I am not suggesting that others should do the same. In fact it may be incredibly dangerous to do so.But meds are prescribed at a point in time dependent on conditions. If those conditions change the meds may need to be revised. Its something to be discussed with your team if you feel it may be similar for you.
Yes,I get dizzy and wobbly on my feet, unable to walk in a straight line.
I have dizzy spells every day but with bouts of 1-2weeks of being constantly dizzy with the only relief being going to bed and laying flat. The doctor thinks the daily spells are lupus/vasculitis related. The other ones they think I have a leak in my spinal cord from the surgery I had years ago. The pressure builds up, a hole opens and pressure goes down, the hole heals.
Fanx al, yup B,P has been checked and checked to be honest its the best its been for a couple of years the hardest part of it all is loosing me license I have just been diagnosed wiv epilepsy but poxy dizzy spells fatal different heyho something else to add to my medical C,V once again al look after yourselves.. :
I get them too, all part of the joy that is lupus but fortunately not everybody suffers with it. Depending on what meds u take, Grapefruit juice can b a sod 4 causing u 2 spin out, as it interacts with certain ones. Worth reading thru u're leaflets again just 2 double check if it recommends avoiding certain things. Also, certain meds can interact with each other causes dizziness too. Must admit, my dizzy spells r a lot better than they were but I can't really pinpoint anything I have changed :/
Me to my meds ain't changed in a long time just another symptom to put up wiv lol
Hopefully they will get less frequent now that summer is over. It's a pain in the arse; just when u think u're managing, something new pops along. Grrrr.......................
Tell be about it my c.v is as long as me arm lol