Hi all, my father is feeling a bit dizzy today, not sure if it is because he has been more active than usual or if it could be an early sign of the virus. no coughing or temperature as yet. we have quarantined him just in case. does anyone know if dizziness is involved.
dizzy spells with coronavirus?: Hi all, my father... - LUPUS UK
dizzy spells with coronavirus?

Hugs...here's a list of all symptoms (and compare with a cold and flu) but dizziness isn't included. But quarantine isn't a bad idea, at least there will be no more complaints about him having go up the stairs!
no it's my turn to be Graham. running between the 2 of them.
You're a hardy perennial, you can do it, with that Mandy-Munchkin to help, but if it becomes too much and lupus is acting up, let your GP know and maybe he can arrange support....the army's going to be helping out us vulnerable folks, so maybe you'll have a man in a uniform at your door!
Stay strong, stay safe! xxxx
contact GP? impossible. all there is is a recorded message saying phone 111 if you think you have the virus. If anyone wants to see a doctor they don't stand a chance. whatever the reason. only been sent half of mum's tablets by the chemist with no word as to where the rest are. again just a recorded message on the phone. dad seems ok today, thankfully.
Glad your dad is over his dizziness...GPs are probably all flat out trawling records to identify those at severe risk to send letters to, as there is a deadline of 29th for those...there is always a good old letter, which seems to get swift attention (my rheumy paid heed anyway)...I've bought in stamps!
With three vulnerables in your household, you'll be top of the list for assisted food deliveries once the military kicks in
Who'd have thought coronavirus would have brought more tourists to the foothills of the Cheviots??...that's not in any contingency planning LOL!
Stay calm (hm, not easy but camomile tea helps, urgh!), stay safe! xxx
camomile plants make me sneeze, lots of cars passing us to go to the beach. I can see road blocks being the only way to keep people at home