Are they any lupus groups in Durham?: - LUPUS UK
Are they any lupus groups in Durham?

I'll send you a private message with contact details for the North East Group.
Paul, I too contacted the North East Group but I don't think they meet up or they didn't when I enquired.
Hi Loutob i do not know if there are any Lupus groups at all,i have had sle lupus for 5years and in all that time no one has ever mentioned any lupus groups in durham or in the north east.
I used to live in the north east and sorry i did not find one.
At the moment i go to a monthly group called breathe easy as i have emphasema as well as lupus.
if you wish to contact me you are very welcome as since i moved in to the Co Durham area i have found that i am finding it very hard to meet people.
At times it would be nice to be able to just pick the phone up and have someone who knows what we are going through.
Take care Lornadoon
Hi Lornadoon,
The North East lupus group doesn't have any ongoing meetings at the moment unfortunately, I think. There are a couple of our contacts in the North East and loads over the rest of the UK if you do ever want to chat to somebody on the phone about lupus. If you'd like some contact numbers, let me know and I can send them privately.
Hi, I have been in touch with the north east admin/secretary and due to ill health they don't meet. I have said I would like to have an active part in the north east group and would def find meeting up beneficial. Perhaps we could get something going??