I have this area on my spine that is so tender. Hurts to touch even gently. For years I've had this but put up with it. I have finally been referred back to the neurologist for my PNH and all these other symptoms. I'm just wondering if this is another I should put on my list!
Sore spine?! Does anyone experience this.. - LUPUS UK
Sore spine?! Does anyone experience this..

I get that a lot...I always put it down to inflammation xxx
Thanks! I don't generally get any swelling of joints I don't think but I get lots of joint ache and muscular pain especially even slightest bit of exercise. Can you have inflammation without any obvious swelling with lupus? Would the inflammation show up in any regular blood test? Sorry loads of questions.. Or can you pretty much have normal routine bloods and still have lupus symptoms.. Perhaps I should make that a separate question?
I have areas which feel painful to touch and like they are bruised, especially either side of spine. Swelling is minimal but i feel like there is a small ball under my foot and can't shake hands with anyone...ouch!! All due to inflammation and have it even when blood tests normal. GP says it i still lupus. I don't understand that either. I put the muscle pain down to fibromyalgia though. Puzzling stuff...
I have a swollen lower back and it hurts to touch and to lean against a pillow or anything like that. Its been so bad lately that I've now been prescribed garapedrin, which is a drug that is usually used for seizures but it also works on nerve pain. I'm praying it works because I can't stand the pain anymore. Started on them yesterday and the pain is definitely easier, but the swelling is still there. I have lupus and fibromyalgia and the docs don't know which is causing all the pain but they suspect its the fibro. Having acupuncture soon too so I'll let you know how it goes. All the best and look after yourself xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry, my last post should have read gabapentin.