I have freezing hands & feet a lot. Virtually all... - LUPUS UK
I have freezing hands & feet a lot. Virtually all day.

Hi sounds like you may have reynauds, i have this too when feet and hands are literally cold all the time and have to take extra care in winter. Google reynauds disease if you can for a better idea or book an appt with your GP for further tests. Hope that helps xx
Mind you - it is blooming cold for May. I have Raynauds - but think it is a bit extreme to still need a hot water bottle in May!

Hello Maggie thanks for your answer. Last night not only had my normal duvet, I had a single duvet on that too & an hot water bottle &was still freezing.
Does definitely sound like raynauds. However there are lots of little things you can do to help. Warm socks. Fingerless gloves help even around the house. And I carry the click to heat hand warmer everywhere in my handbag. Get it checked out by your GP but although uncomfortable and sometimes painful there is things to help. Helen
Sounds like you need to get some extra help for it, doctors can prescribe circulation tablets and they work a treat. Get it seen to tho Raynauds can be very serious. Xxx loubie xxx

Hello loubielou, many thanks for your answer. I will book a 'GP' appt this next week, it's gone on to long now. xx
Does sound like could be raynauds. Best to check with your gp/consultant though.
The raynauds & scleroderma assoc website has good info inc lots of tips & good products & they also have a healthunlocked community forum on here. Beware of circulation tabs inc nifedipine: they were disastrous for my combination of raynauds & erythromelalgia & SLE & sjogrens.
My feet, hands & face plus lower legs are freezing cold ll year round (the erythromelalgia means they also flare up burning in a daily cycle of over/under heating, regardless of surrounding temperatures