It was terrific to see so many of us there for the AGM, greeted by our fab chair Shelagh and her hardworking committee members: thanks to them, our group goes from strength to strength. between the Cambridgeshire group and this forum, i gotta admit: i almost feel ok about living with lupus.
Paul Howard, who does so much to make this forum as special as it is, gave us an interesting update on positive developments at head office, including what's happening with website and other social media projects...especially our fab forum. after paul, a cambridge tai chi instructor explained his take on tai chi - i had gone to workshops for a year a little while ago, and been put off by the complexity and speed of the movements, but yesterday we learned that tai chi instruction can be tailored to the special needs of go-slows like me who have joint and vertigo probs. this was a very enjoyable presentation, which got some of us out of our chairs trying tai chi moves!. then our popular specialist lupus nurse filled us in on Addenbrookes lupus service achievements and plans: as always her updates are encouraging: truly upbeat!
it was lovely to see so many friends and new faces too yesterday. i especially enjoyed meeting the 2 younger women who sat near me in the audience. this morning i am still on a high from that great meeting: i've only been attending my local group for the 2 years since i was diagnosed, but seems to me all my groups events are super
and, hey: i'm sure ALL the regional Lupus UK groups are as great as ours in cambridgeshire......i just want to reach out here on forum in case there is anyone who lives in cambridgeshire and has been hesitating to attend our gatherings - either the Coffee & Chat events, the AGMs or the Information Days: hope you'll come along and find out for yourself.....