Feeling quite helpless today. My hubbie was diagnosed in August 2016 (then aged 58 years and always been a non-smoker) and went onto chemotherapy (carboplatin and pemetrexed) for four sessions, then went onto maintenance pemetrexed until it stopped working in March of this year. He then had five doses of immunotherapy (nivolumab) but it did not work at all. Went to see the oncologist yesterday who advised that there were new lesions in both lungs and things had taken a turn for the worse.
From next week he will go back onto chemotherapy (Docetaxel) along with a targeted therapy in tablet form called Nintedanib. By all accounts it would appear this new regime is quite brutal. Hubbie is quite positive that at least they are trying something different however it is me who is not taking all of this quite so well. I think it was a shock getting that news yesterday as we had been plodding along quite nicely until March when the maintenance chemo stopped doing its job.
Just feeling quite numb and sad today. Sorry about the rant!!