I am writing for my dear sweet husband who diagnosed 13 months ago with small cell lung cancer that metastasized to his lymph system, liver, and his brain. After chemo, and radiation to his brain and chest, he started Opdivo. Opdivo did a great job reducing his tumors, but then attacked his lungs. He is currently off treatment and on a huge dose of steroids. He is being treated at Cancer Treatment Centers of America.
My Dear Sweet Husband has Lung Cancer - Lung Cancer Support
My Dear Sweet Husband has Lung Cancer

HiMy husband has small cell LC too. He's getting the 2nd chemo. he was told there is no immunotherapy like opdivo for small cell. How did your husband get it?
Cancer Treatment Centers of America contacted Bristle, Meyer Schribb and arranged for this medication for Chuck. He has been on it since last August, but had to stop at Christmas. We LOVE Cancer Treatment Centers of America!!
You both look well. I'm glad to see your smiles. i pray the treatments he gets heal his body and that he can return to his normal life once again. God bless you both.
If its working for him thats great! Once his lungs are better they can start treatment again! Nice picture of you two, my prayers for him getting better!
What beautiful smile. I have small cell lung cancer with mets to lymph nodes. Your news is wonderful. Going to be asking my Dr about Opdivo. Do you like the cancer center of America?
Totally and completely LOVE CTCA!!! All they do is cancer and they do everything seamlessly. Order a test, and your cell phone rings to schedule the test immediately. I had a mammogram while I was there and the radiologist called me as I was leaving the room after the test to give me the results. Everything is seamless there. Everyone talks, so communication is seamless. Need to see a pulmonogist and he walks in the room 2 minutes later. Need a bronchoscopy and it happens the next morning. It is amazing there.
Oh, just look at you two! Looks like a winning team to me. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with us - we love to hear your story and to be a small part of your life. If you should need any resources concerning finances, co-pays, etc. just send me an email - always happy to help. pbezruki@freetobreathe.org
Thank you!! We are drowning in medical bills and we are loosing our insurance in September and can not find anyone to take us due to Chuck’s cancer diagnosis. ( including Obama Care!)
I am so sorry to hear that. Have you spoken with a Social Worker at CTCA? If you want to email me your email address, I'll get our Resource Guides out to you ASAP. pbezruki@freetobreathe.org (all our materials are free). If you want to include your address, we'll sent you the Patient Information Kit as well!

That is a beautiful picture. Wishing your husband a smooth, fast recovery from his lung inflammation. Is the doctor talking about returning to Opdivo or will he be trying something else next? Whatever comes next, it sounds like there is less cancer to deal with at the moment.
You are absolutely right!! t here does seem to be less cancer since no more tumors show upon his scans. We go back the end of Feb. for scans and our team will be discussing the options. Not sure what those options are. We will wait and see. What are you battling? What steps have you taken?
Thanks for the compliment about our picture!!
Prayers for your husband! My dad also has small cell lung cancer. He is undergoing radiation treatment. He completed chemo this past summer as well as he was diagnosed June ,2016.
I am praying that god heals him and that these treatments help. It's a scary journey but having faith is important.
Did your husband see a good response from the radiation therapy?
Prayers for you both!
Chuck started Opdivo the same time he was on radiation , so it is hard to tell which worked so dramatically.
I am so excited that you are a child of God and are seeking His wisdom and peace during this storm! I envision myself in a boat in the middle of a stormy sea, when I look up and see Christ standing on the water not too far off. Of course, my storm is called cancer. So in this storm we call cancer, I choose to keep my eyes focused on Jesus. He is with us every step of the way. Believe in Him during each step of your journey.