He was diagnosed march 2,2017. He went through 3 cycles of chemo with nuelasta and the tumor doubled in size. He then went through 15 rounds of radiation. The tumor markers went down from 600 to 258. He is now on keytruda. Just had his second treatment but his energy level is zero. In fact he has less energy and appetite than ever before. I'm at my wits end. Has anyone had a similar experience and does it get better
My husband has stage 4 lung cancer - Lung Cancer Support
My husband has stage 4 lung cancer

Hi, make your your husband bone broth soup or chicken bone broth Look on Internet for recipes. Buy organic. After 5 rounds of chemo and 30 days of radiation I too was very weak. The bone broth gave me energy. And I felt better. I also took an immune booster called AHCC. MY Dr told me to take 6000 mg a day for 2 weeks then 2000 fo the rest of my life. You can read about this killer cell immune booster on the Sloane Kettering search website. Eat fresh fruit and vegetables. I ate a lot of water melon. My magnesium levels were depleted. I took 1600 mg of magnesium citrate a day and still do. Read about all the wonderful things magnesium does for the body. Now. The most important thing you can do is "PRAY". I will send you scripture when I get home. I'm at the grocery store now.
Go to my page and read my testimony
In Christ
Thank you so much! I made the chicken bone broth soup and I have to use it in other recipes. He won't just drink it. I will look up your other suggestions! He has not been very cooperative in eating my healthy foods looking forward to your scriptures. Thank you again
Hi Donnarouse, here are some scriptures that I prayed daily , Gods word kept me sane and focused on the fight I was in.
Psalm 30:2 Oh Lord my God, I cried out for help and you healed me. Thank you Lord
Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed; your God , the Lord himself will be with you. He will not fail or abandon you. Hallelujah
Pal 143;8 Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
verse 11 For your name's sake, Lord, preserve my life: in your righteousness, bring me out of trouble.I thank God that He gives freely of his word so that I know how to pray.
Donna, attitude ,faith, prayer, and a fighting spirit are just as important as chemo and radiation and immunotherapy. I went to chemo and radiation every day saying we are killing cancer today!. I would pray with my technicians. I told my doctors and technicians that I looked forward to my treatments because they were helping me fight and kill this demon.
When my treatments were finished my radiation oncologist and medical oncologist told me that my positive and fighting attitude were major. My response was called, remarkable, miracle, excellent and amazing by my doctors and team members. I was interviewed by the Wall Street Journal because of the care at the Mayo Clinic and my response to treatment.
Sorry, I get so intense and want to share my experience with other brothers and sisters in this "club" we are in. It isn't about me but about HOPE, LOVE and PRAYER AND A DETERMINATION AND MIND SET THAT WE WILL KILL THIS DEMON AND SEND IT TO HELL!
God Bless to all who read and take comfort from Gods word
In Christ

Talk to his drs about an Rx for marinol. It's an appetite stimulant. His tastebuds are still recovering from the chemo.
He should walk a bit each day. Exercise helps us rebuild energy and stamina.
Will he eat ice cream? If yes make him shakes with boost or ensure. He needs those food calories to recover.
He has the marinol but has not taken it. Read him your post and took his pill this am! Thank you. The exercise and walking have been an issue but maybe getting appetite back will spur this on! Also the ice cream in his protein drink will help! Thank you for responding ❤️
I had ice cream therapy every day of my chemo, radiation and in the days that followed for a couple months after.
Start gentle with the exercise. My treatment finished in January. By the time ii had my coat, boots, hat and mittens on I was exhausted and couldn't make it off the front porch. In a week or two I made the driveway. By spring I could reach the end of a long black. By summer I could walk a mile. By the time I needed back surgery in the fall I could walk 2 miles.
Check into your local senior center to see if they offer a seated exercise class. Ask the pulmonologist for testing to establish a new baseline when treatment has been over a month or two. If he qualifies for Pulmonary rehab that an excellent way to continue exercise. They teach you how to get the most out of each breath.
Thank you for the update it's gratifying and humbling to be of help.
After radiation and chemotherapy, I too was so weak. It takes time to recover from these treatments. You have been given some excellent advice for strengthening him.
I know that God is able to give you wisdom and strength for this journey. I pray that your husband will start to get stronger every day and that God will give you the peace that passes understanding. God bless you both.
Texas64 is right a positive attitude, prayer, and the fight you put up with goes a long way. I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer in October 2016 and I am now in remission after 6 rounds of chemo. Just how long that will last remains to be seen, but I have always remained positive and prayed a lot. My doctor also told me that my positive attitude and me having family to support me has helped me a lot. I know that it's hard to eat sometimes after chemo, but he really needs to try, because it will help keep his energy up some. I am praying for you both to get thru this.

Healthy food is important, but there are times when just getting calories into the body is more important than whether the food is organic or "healthy". I vote for ice cream therapy, too! I was given a cookbook at my cancer center, "Eating Well Through Cancer". Merck gives away copies. This book sticks to standard type recipes and had a lot of ideas about dealing with low appetite and taste problems.