I've recently received made to measure open toed, knee length compression socks. These are the nth pair I've had over the last six or so years.
A year ago I slipped going downstairs and from the 8th tread went down on my bottom, with my right leg bent backwards. The results were a hairline fracture of my fibula and my Peroneal nerve not performing one of its 3 functions, the ability to raise the front of your foot off the ground or floor. As a result I wear on that leg and foot a splint (or brace or orthotic).
Today I've had aching feet, probably from the pavements in the Pennine village I live in, rather than from the socks, which I've taken off early.
Do others who wear orthotics find the socks more uncomfortable. I'm male, from the UK, aged 76, and also have asthma and permanent though asymptomatic atrial fibrillation. I walk with a stick outside for balance and confidence. In the house I don't use a stick. I'm 6'7" tall. (Single but definitely not looking for a partner).