Hi - I've just been told i need to upgrade from compression socks to full length compression (possibly easier to be fashionable in the long run!). I'm really struggling with tights and am wondering if gym leggings which are 'compression' (though not necessarily medically signed off) have caused anyone relief in the past? It's hard to find any evidence out there, but there seem to be some with good reviews from people with lipedema and I'm wondering if they'd work for lymphoedema too. Just looking for something I can laze around the house in but that won't so easily bunch at the knees or have the crotch fall down as I'm experiencing with tights!
Compression gym leggings: Hi - I've just been told i... - LSN
Compression gym leggings

Gym leggings are not therapeutic compression. If you have a lymphoedema diagnosis then you require proper therapeutic compression ie assessment by a lymphoedema nurse or therapist for full leg compression since you’re not getting on with tights. Whilst you're waiting for assessment and compression prescription to arrive then wearing gym leggings shouldn’t be a problem, but don’t mistake them for providing the therapeutics of medical compression. Wearing leggings over your prescription socks will ensure at least part of your legs receive therapeutic compression.
If you’re after lazing at home compression then seek a prescription for Haddenham Comfiwave full leg garments. The Comfiwave compression line is for night time and when relaxing at home
Thanks! I'm keen to supplement the prescription things I'm getting with some more affordable home bought things so I don't have to do quite as much laundry whilst also not bankrupting myself. Also some options that don't require tights and therefore skirts etc all the time - maybe slightly self conscious but it's hard to be remotely fashionable as someone with full limb compression in my late 20s! My swelling isn't too serious so I'm hoping I can balance the full therapeutic garments with somethings that's still helpful but more casual.
I'll speak to my therapist (whenever I next see them.....) about what might work in my circumstances as it sounds like it's certainly more complicated than I thought
I have seen and felt the Comfiwave and thought that they would be good for me but was told that there was not enough funds to prescribe them for me ☹️
The Comfiwave garments for legs and arms are available on nhs prescription. Hopefully soon every garment from the Comfiwave line will be available on prescription
It's a postcode lottery depending on your trust (NHS)and their budget.
They are good but you couldn’t wear them to go to the gym in . I had mine in prescription I just use it at night to sleep in it if I’m lounging about . As I have arthritis in my hands it’s easier to put on but they don’t hold up well . A friend used double sided tape on hers .
I wear a prescribed full length stocking with shop bought shapewear shorts, as recommended by my lymphoedema nurse. I find this combination more comfortable than tights.
I have a variety of shop/online bought 'shapewear' shorts. My Solidea shorts are especially effective; the Solidea range includes leggings: daylong.co.uk/catalogsearch...
For anyone following this - I have been lucky enough with my care team to have been sent some leggings by my lymphoedema nurse from the Juzo scar therapy line instead of the lymphoedema line on top of the garments received in my prescription. I assume this is because the prescription items were unsuitable and i'm still at the point of experimenting to find the right thing to meet this new requirement.
I imagine these might only be an option as i'm lucky enough to be on the lowest form of compression right now, but they are *great*. Perhaps come a little high up my torso (I am quite short as well as them being high) but otherwise meet what I was looking for. If you want the same thing it might be worth requesting them.
Have also heard from someone else that a lymphoedema nurse recommended Compression Z (available on Amazon) which also look fab and non-bankrupting. Honestly, who has the time to work full time, have a life and do laundry every day - great to have more than 2 items to wear!
I wear compression wear every day... I am in America so I use an Italian brand made with medical grade tectile, moderate compression and they are graduated .. Bioflect....
If you are struggling with tights, as they are difficult to get on no matter what aids you have been given to assist, they will never work for you, as you can't get them on with ease. or without the effort making you ill.
If you are young enough why not ask about liposuction on the NHS, I know it exists but you have to ask for specialist help and state why you need this. Ie your legs are in constant pain, it is affecting the quality of your life, you are willing to make lifestyle changes, but you need the help now, rather than later. Describe how you struggle with tights and how tights affect you ie cuts off your circulation, gives you long spells of pins and needles and neurological pain, gives you sores, extra ridges in your skin etc. You can't use your moisturisers as these damage the compression socks/tights etc.
Because of the above you are seeking a different solution.
It would be interesting to see what happens.
We have a programme here in the UK called, "Embarrassing Bodies" and a young girl (late 20's early 30's ) suffering with very swollen feet and legs due to Lymphoedema, went to speak with one of the doctors on the programme and it was on the doctors recommendation that the young person went to speak with a specialist in liposuction. She had liposuction on her legs and the results were fantastic. She had normal legs around 3 weeks after the treatment. No pain, no swelling and her skin had become become very smooth and not motley and pitted.
Liposuction could work for a lot of Lymphoedema sufferers.