I have just got wraps for my legs , tried them yesterday but had a lot of pain in one leg, not had a lot of sleep . Have only put on one leg today. Find them slipping a bit too. Any advice would be appreciated.
Help with wraps: I have just got wraps for my legs... - LSN
Help with wraps

If you are new to wraps, use them incrementally for a few days - 2 hours first day, 3 hours next - building to all day.
You describe pain. You may have applied them too tightly - which is why I encourage clients to get used to them.
Is your lymphoedema severe?
Thanks for that Lynora. I have arthritis in my knees and I felt the pain was joint pain. The knee and the thigh seem to slip quite a bit.
Are you applying the knee piece after the lower leg and thigh pieces are in place? Perhaps play with the amount of ‘pull’ you are doing to the long knee bandage. You have been shown to apply them haven’t you?
Is there any reason why you’ve been told to wear them at night . I too have arthritis and recently had a knee replacement . I’ve had Lymohoedema in both legs with it being worst in the left for 24 years . That’s why I’ve ended up with really bad arthritis in both knees and both hips . I couldn’t wear anything on them at night because they get very stiff and this would just make it worse . In the daytime I wear juzo ready made garments that have built in knee sections that give me more room to move . I have wraps that I sometimes wear at home to give extra support when I’m relaxing .
Sorry just realised that you meant you were wearing them in the day and they caused the pain that stopped you sleeping . I think Leanora s advice is good . Just build up . If you still have problems with them slipping there are different brands that you can try . Some that I had years ago used to continually come down no matter what I did to them . If you can wear them when you’re resting with your legs up this might help initially to get used to them , then extend that , but definitely speak to your therapist if you are having problems and don’t just put up with it . There’s no need for it . You need to be as comfortable as possible .
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it. I did too. No real help except my PT said do this and wrapped me up. All my wraps fall down. I have strangely shaped legs because of my Lymphedema. Nothing stays up. It took me 4 months to figure out something that works for me--and that's wearing 7 items on each leg every day. But it was worth it to not have to pull them up constantly and have them fall down and dig into my lower leg or ankle.
Don't give up. I've only known about this for 4 months but it started at age 10.
Read everything you can. Watch YouTube videos. Use the Lymphedema blogs (like this one) and reach out for help. In time you'll find what works for you. It's a pain to purchase wraps that don't work. But sometimes with little tweaks you can get them to work for you.
As for pain, most of us have that every day. Extra swelling because you weren't wrapped when you should have been can cause it. I was told wrap for 23 hours a day. When I take them off it hurts. Sometimes I can't wait to get them back on. Let your therapist know. It's their job to help you.
Good luck, don't give up.
Lynora is defintely the expert. But I have been wearing wraps off and on for 2 years. Two weeks ago I wrapped for 2 nights because I wanted to make sure my left leg was the smallest it could be before I got measured for new socks. Both nights I had to remve the wraps because of pain in my ankle and top of foot. I asked my PT about it and she said to remember that wrapping works because of the layers of wrapping you use. That is why it is done in a specific order. It is snug but does not need to be tight. Last week I noticed some fluid gathered around my knee that worried me. Currently I only wrap up to the knee. My PT suggested wrapping at night for 5 days. So this time I made sure not to wrap too tightly and sure enough I made it through the night. I hope this helps you!