I am new on here, just wanted to thank everyone. I felt very alone, I knew no one with legs like mine. So much helpful information and encouragement on here.
Thank you: I am new on here, just wanted to thank... - LSN
Thank you

Where are you? Is there a support group in your area?
I am in Argyllshire Scotland don’t think we have any support groups in this area
Hi there, I know just what you mean. I'm relatively new here too, and it's been a blessing to find others who know about this and can guide through what it means.
In particular, one thing I've learned is that the resources available to each of us varies enormously - access to NHS services seems to depend on underlying reason for lymphoedema (on the whole much more available if its post cancer than anything else), also geography ( in some places NHS has really good services, in others almost nothing). LSN seems to know a lot about what's available where.
All good wishes to you! Deborah
Hi Algu,welcome x i too have felt very alone,mainly coz i know nobody else with either lympho or lipo daema..i look at everyones legs and envy them and sigh to myself seeing the freedom they have to go barelegged,wear non maxi skirts etc! So its good to be here with people who understand! X