Hi, Has anyone got sausage like toes? I have primary in my leg and on one foot my toes are like sausages, even though I wear a toe cap. I was just looking to see if anyone had particular issues with toes and how they managed it. Thanks
Toes: Hi, Has anyone got sausage like toes? I have... - LSN

Running has helped me get swelling down in my toes
As I have found out - everyone's lymph is different. Walking and running makes my leg and foot blow up and takes days to get down Yes, I do wear two pairs of compression stockings. It's a matter of trial and error.
My toes and legs are the same walking makes the swelling worse my toes are very swollen and I have Morton Neuroma so very painful when walking a few yards have been told NOT to have any injections into the legs after having boney spur removed from foot many years ago before diagnosed with Lymphoemea the swelling got much worse and also had cellulitus in both legs the only thing that helps is having both feet elevated for several days to help reduce the swelling unable to wear shoes due to the pressure and fluid building up so wear slippers for comfort that expand with the swelling had toes caps but they kept falling off
I am primary (both legs, below knee) including swollen toes. I have made to measure class 2 toe caps. Overall they help but I find it hard to push them right down between my toes - irritates between my toes and then I worry I might damage the skin and get cellulitis! This does mean the bits of toe nearest my feet still end up chubby but my toes do settle a bit over night. Thinking about it I think I should try and massage my toes a bit, especially the bits nearer to my feet. Hope this makes sense.
I also have primary and know all too well the sausage toe look. I wear custom class 2 toe caps on both feet. They really help control the swelling but the moment the caps come off my toes well up quickly. I use donning gloves (Medi and Juzu grippy groves)) to ensure the caps properly cover my toes. Lots of walking increases the swelling in my toes and legs but it doesn’t stop me - movement is essential for the lymphatics. Elevation of my legs, MLD, dry brushing, garments, and my compression pump are all essential tools to manage/reduce symptoms.