I just heard it said that schools may continue to be going online to learn come September... that’s a huge responsibility!!! And I’m not good with technology... so far it’s been online but no pressure of coming on and work being graded. So now it is scaring me because I have been homeschooling my kids and I’m not sure I have what it takes to keep up with the online technology for schooling ... the thought sends me spiraling down...I know if that’s the case I have no choice but I can’t seem to stop worrying about it. I just want to not think about it. It may or may not be ... any tips on not worrying and staying in the present?
Trigger about online schooling how to ... - Living with Anxiety
Trigger about online schooling how to stop worrying?

Hi Starr, I feel your concern is warranted. Even though I don't have children I don't think I could home school. For me, math would be the absolute worst subject to teach. I barely made it thru algebra. Geometry was beyond me and forget calculus. I finally learned basic trig in college for my degree which I will still occasionally use in life. And I don't think I would have the patience to home school because it is just not me. I hope if kids don't return to school in sept that the powers to be would recognize that not everyone is capable of home schooling either because they have to work or like me not feeling capable of providing them the best. I truly hope this country returns to some level of normal soon.
Hi All_alone! Well there are teachers teaching online but I find that meeting through computer and sometimes by video on computer is even more overwhelming,... they just expect so much. Thanks for your response. I’m doing the best I can while looking out for my emotional health. I too hope to get back to or close to back to how it used to be.
Pls do your best while taking care of your emotional health. That is soooooo very important. I had my first zoom mtg last week. I had been on the couch for two days. I actually covered the camera on the phone with blue painters tape. I managed to 'attend' the mtg but not visually. That's how I protected me. And using zoom for the 1st time was stressful.
Stop !
Easy for me I know but you have to remember you are not a School teacher if you were you would be doing the job and neither are you a computer expert ( not sure what you call them )
So you do your best as that is all you can do and if when they go back they say anything you tell them !
Have you any friends in the same situation that could give you some tips , your eldest Son maybe they seem to have more technical minds
I would be just like you lost with it all , but I would just do my best knowing that is all I could do
They are on about sending some kids back to School here in June / July I think here in the UK which I think is to soon but anyway at the end of all this you know what is the most important , that you , your family and those Children stay safe
Think of all those that have lost life's if they told them you can have your loved one back if you just have to limp through on line home Schooling and you might not find it easy which one do you want ?
Loved one every time I would bet would be the answer
So deep breaths , do your best whatever that is it will be fine and thank everyday those kids are fit and healthy
Take Care x

June and July hmmm...Thank you yes Stop is right and I have pretty much stopped worrying hopefully for good...Since I wrote that post I have been able to relax and continue teach them my way and am in the hopes that when the school year usually comes around in September (thinking they may go back then) I will deal with whatever it is as well as I can... but I won’t worry too much about this 3rd and 4th quarter of this year. Thanks for responding Lulu! ❤️
And Starrlight you way of teaching them is as good as any way , don't forget that
There will be nothing for you to deal with , it is their job and you have done your best and if that is not good enough then it is up to them to get your kids up to speed
Don't worry I bet you have done so much better than you think and I also bet loads more parents have struggled and not done as good
Remember the most important thing is you all stay healthy x

So true! Staying healthy comes first. And I was doing a great job of teaching if I do say so myself 😉 up until a few days ago when my mental health overwhelmed me and it was hard to be focused but I’m okay with that... I’ll get back into it when I can.
Well done you
I have every faith in you even when you don't
Give yourself a break when things overwhelm you , you are human after all , unless you are super women and forgot to tell me x

Haha 🤣 that was supposed to be a secret... thanks Lulu!!!
Hi Starrlight,
You seem to be feeling much better about this now so I won’t say too much. However, I am a teacher and I promise we don’t enjoy this either! Whatever you are doing will be brilliant. We are all in this together and when children do eventually get back to school there will be inevitable differences between what they’ve all done and where they are all at but as teachers it’s our job to ‘fix’ that. We have to set work and try to maintain high standards of education but that’s us in a ‘professional’ capacity. On a personal level, we know everybody’s best is good enough and you can never replicate school at home. Many teachers have their own children at home too.
I am genuinely in awe of all parents are doing with their children at home and of the children themselves too. Most importantly though, you are their parent, not their teacher and us as teachers can ‘fix’ the academic education aspect when the children are back in front of us - it’s our job! What we can’t fix so easily are the stress and emotional well-being aspects that might come out of this. More than anything we want you to keep your children safe and happy and yourself too. There are also so many things children can do and learn at home that we as teachers can never teach so do what feels right for you and your children.
Take care of yourselves.
Thank you so much! It’s really good to hear this from a teacher. Yes we are trying our best. It’s great when we have fun at the same time. My oldest loves to read and write so he does that on his own. My younger loves dogs so I incorporate that into teaching.... and try to switch it up... emotionally though it’s been rough the last few days. And we don’t know what will happen. I trust that the teachers will be reviewing as usual when kids go back to school after summer, and back on track. I just don’t want to be stuck trying to work with teachers online when September comes but I have a feeling they'll be going back to school. I hope the places that are opening up again right now will not cause more trouble since it may be too soon.