I’m trying to figure out how to stay calm and not pay too close attention to my weird thoughts and feelings because it’s the anxiety acting up; it’s not reality... but then what is? How do I get to a perspective of truth? Logically I’m not in danger but my heart has been beating fast al morning and afternoon. I took propanolol with my usual meds but don’t know how much that helped, none it seems. I feel defeated for the day and I still need to take an important trip to kiddos school which in itself is anxiety provoking. I tried exercise tea and now I’m about to meditate in the sun ☀️ Any one have other ideas?
...Meditated. I’m waiting to get to and finish the stressor of the day and I’m trying picturing the event as a positive one because it’s always easier than I anticipate...
I’m very tired of living this way. People can support but no one can help me but me and I’m trying my best That’s all I can do. I pray night will seem to come soon ✨ 🌙