Heightened anxiety due to tonsilitis d... - Living with Anxiety

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Heightened anxiety due to tonsilitis does anyone else's anxiety get worse when they are poorly?

jjb1983 profile image
31 Replies

I've had tonsilitis now for just over a week with no antibiotics, but now I think I might need them it's not getting better it did but now feels like it's there again.

I've woke up this morning and it feels sore again, and I feel hot in my face, and my neck is sore too from lying funny I think. But my anxiety seems to of came on but think it's me worrying about tonsilitis and thinking I should of getting antibiotics from the doc last week.

Anyone else have heightened anxiety when they are poorly?

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jjb1983 profile image
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31 Replies

Hello jjb1983 :-)

The answer from me is always !

If I am not very well my anxiety literally goes through the roof so you are not alone feeling this way

Tonsillitis I have had twice and it is not very nice at all , I would go and let your Doctor have a look it sounds like you might need some antibiotics and would hopefully make you feel better getting that reassurance from them :-)

I hope you feel better soon :-)

Take Care x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Thank you lulu-1,

I was at the doctors like a week ago and she said I had it but didn't really need antibiotics as it can go away on its own, it did however ease up but has come back this morning.

Didn't have a very good sleep other due to neck pain which I think is because the bedroom is cold on a night and sleeping funny. I must figure out how to put my heating on timer.

Thank you lulu-1 I've an appointment at 11.10 so hopefully get sorted.

How are you?


in reply to jjb1983

I am glad you have an appointment, sometimes it does go on it's own and I think they like to see if it will so we don't get reliant on antibiotics , but in some cases it needs a little help which could be the case now with yours but luckily you are seeing her and she should sort you out :-)

Let us know how you get on :-)

I have been better to be honest but thank you for asking :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Hi lulu-1,

I've been given antibiotics. I've never had them before and have a fear of taking stuff that I've not had before.

So I'm a little hesitant to start them.



in reply to jjb1983


Well sounds like you need them so I understand your fear I am the same and am also taking some at the moment , but as we say bite the bullet , get them down you , tr and tell yourself these are not to harm you but to make you better , not to take them could be more harmful so needs must this time :-)

With each day you take them , face the fear , your confidence will get better and the fear less and before you know it you will have finished the course and be feeling so much better :-)

You can do it ! :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Thank you lulu-1,

I will take them I just feel scared and your right. I hate having this fear. I know when I take them il be waiting for a side effect to happen

I hope you get better soon.


in reply to jjb1983

I am the same trust me but when I have an infection I have to face that fear , it is not nice I know and understand but when I think of what could happen if I don't take them it feels even more frightening so on this one I worry every day but take them as it is better than things getting worse :-)

Hope you have not read the side effects , if you have not then don't

Remember these things they list happen or have been reported in something like 1 in a 1000 people , ask yourself why would you be the 1 it will happen to , only your anxiety will tell you that but statistics say otherwise

I am sure you can do this even though it could make you anxious but better once you have finished them :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Hi lulu-1 I've just taken 1 it says take 2 your times a day, but feel like I should only take 1 to see if I'm ok. My anxiety is doing just that. No I've not read them if I do I don't take it for sure lol.

I wish I wasn't like this with meds I never used to be.

Thank you.


in reply to jjb1983

You will be fine honestly hey won't harm you

Be prepared for your anxiety playing up because it will but stay focused on that it is your anxiety and not the meds

Try and take the dose prescribed for them to work if you can , the worse thing I find is that they can sometimes upset my stomach but a small price to pay if they get rid of the infection

Millions of people take them every day and they are totally ok , no reason whatsoever other than that pesky anxiety tormenting you that you won't be ok to :-)

Well done taking that first one I know how hard that is , keep going they will soon be all gone :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Thank you lulu-1,

You be helped me feel at ease, I've still only had 1 but will have 2 before bed later.

I really cannot stand been how I am with tablets and don't really know where the fear has come from.

Apart from trying different antidepressants I got loads of side effects from them so maybe it's that.

They are called phenoxymethylpenecilin have you ever had them.

Thank you again lulu-1


in reply to jjb1983

Hello :-)

I agree the fear stems from somewhere and usually if we have had a bad experience and then as anxiety always does it feeds of this fear till we are so full of it we can hardly face taking anything , I even struggle to take a vitamin !

But as I have said when needs must we have to go through this fear

What is the course 7 days ?

You will have done half a day already , that leaves 6 and a half to go you will soon have finished them , like I said the worse thing is they can sometimes upset your stomach but that is not life threatening so if they did and they might not but that would be normal :-)

I have heard of them , most antibiotics are all in the same family and basically work the same :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

I'm the same with vitamins lulu-1,

Well I've only took 1 tablet so far will take 2 tonight then that's halfway through one day of 10 days unfortunately. I have to take 2 your times a day.

Thank you

in reply to jjb1983

Yes me to :-)

I am naughty though because I get my husband to take them first , then I observe him and make sure he does not keel over and if he doesn't I might consider trying one :-D

Well they obviously think you need them to give you a 10 day course so I would try my very best to take them better taking these than ending up with something even stronger because it did not clear up , once we are through the weekend you will be be able to see the finish line in sight , time will soon fly :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Haha that is so funny I do exactly the same thing isn't that crazy,

But my partner twists and says no sometimes lol.

I know I will take them because I know I need them u feel so groggy.

I've just taken some vitamin c.

Thank you lulu-1

in reply to jjb1983

Must be a trait we have getting others to take them when we have a meds fear :-/

I think been stuck with me for 25 years hubby just gives in for a quite life now :-D

Well done taking vitamin C as well , you are on a roll today :-/ x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Must be lulu-1,

Oh well at least he takes them for you lol.

Thank you I try take it with food as it helps absorb vitamins and minerals from food.

There just chewables my kids take them too.

Supposed to help support the immune system aswel so I started them again when I first got a sore throat.

Did you mention you were on antibiotics?

in reply to jjb1983

Yes I am taking them at the moment for an ear infection , I have been on them 3 days another 7 to go :-D

I don't like it one bit and feel anxious but with this kind of thing I know I don't have any choice but I count down the days and feel relieved when they are all gone :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

It's such a tough thing to deal with isn't it well for us anyway that struggle with anxiety.

I hope it gets better soon.

So you have 10 days worth too.

What are you on?


in reply to jjb1983

Yes it is I agree , you feel no one could possibly know just how bad this feels

I am on doxycycline , it is one I usually take but every time I still feel the fear just as bad even though I have taken them that many times in the past which feels crazy to still feel that way as obviously by now I should know that they don't harm me other than maybe upset my stomach and make me feel a bit rough but that is anxiety for you

Hope you manage to take yours today , it will be one day less , keep telling yourself that :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Oh I'm sorry you keep having to take them.

I am the same even with paracetamol lol.

I took some at 11 last night have not took today's yet.

Anxiety is such a pain in the *ss

Hope your feeling better soon.


in reply to jjb1983

I do understand honestly , get some taken they will not harm you :-)

I once heard and not sure if it is true but I heard that if you are not suited to whatever medication you are taking you would know within the first hour or so well it is longer than that since you took them so I would say you will be fine :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

I have to take them on an empty stomach so need to wait 2 hours.

Thank you lulu-1

in reply to jjb1983

2 hours it is then , you can do it , if I can you can :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Hi I've just taken 2 at 11. I don't it yeah.


in reply to jjb1983

Well done You :-)

I know how hard that was :-)

Try and forget you have taken them now , easier said than done I know but keep changing those thoughts that pop in telling you negatives , you will be fine and positive those 2 you have taken is 2 less now so you are moving forward :-) x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Thank you lulu-1,

You have been a massive help can't thank you enough. I have an upset tummy but I can feel with that lol.


in reply to jjb1983

Snap I have one to , having to stay near the toilet :-D

Could be a positive we could loose some weight :-D

Well done and they are not going to do anything bad to you as you have took enough to test that theory , well maybe the runs but like you say we can live with that :-/ x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

well I don't think I have any weight to loose I'm only 9st 3

5ft 3. Anxiety plays havoc with my intestines ha.

I feel better known I have taken them.


in reply to jjb1983

About the same height but regretfully not the same weight so for me it will be a bonus but never happens :-D x

Hello x sorry you’re not well... I get tonsillitis quite a lot and it’s awful! X I really do hope you get well soon x

To answer your question yes it does heighten my anxiety when I am unwell x

Take care x

jjb1983 profile image
jjb1983 in reply to

Thank you hope4321,

Its horrible isn't it.

I wonder why anxiety makes us have heightened anxiety while poorly.


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