So I’m fat now lol and unvomfortable. Paxil makes me happy but fat. I’m indoors and hot but I dont want to take my jacket off since I’m not used to showing off my fat. It happened quickly. I exercise daily and I had been eating ice cream a lot for breakfast but other than that I generally eat healthy. I don’t expect anyone here to make me skinny again just here to vent about it so I can get over it and get on with the day.
Uncomfy fat: So I’m fat now lol and... - Living with Anxiety
Uncomfy fat

Get over it Starrlight , I'm constipated and on the large side to
Now been serious , are you as fat as you really think you are ?
You could loose weight if you wanted to BUT as I say there is more of me to love so why should anyone complain at that hey !
Come on take that coat of , your family love you just the way you are
What shape or size we come in is the packaging it's what on the inside that count's and when that is beautiful like you then to others the outside looks beautiful to
Don't sit there with your coat on take it of and be proud
And to be honest I am sat here in my nightdress and I don't care one bit what anyone thinks if they saw me , well rounded or not
Take Care x

I just got home. Ha you are cute! You’ll be proud of me, I took off my coat and held my head hi. I had a confident walk that felt great!!! I don’t know if I’m over it lol but I’m trying. My son said they'd rather me be thick and happy duh me too but I like the word thick.
Good for you !
Look women are attractive no matter what size they are and that includes you !
Like I said more of you to love x

I know you are right I just still need to get liking myself more in general.
I know , it is not easy but you will in time x

Thanks ❤️
Take the jacket off before you faint look on the bright side you're happy, the weight will come off
Dear one - I can relate to how you feel, but, take it from me, weight hardly matters in the great scheme of things. For much of my adult life I was overweight, morbidly so. (300#) In my career, I had to meet clients, do public speaking, etc. Very much on public display!
I complained to a friend that I was ashamed of my weight. She said people didn't notice because of the way I carried myself, and the positive feelings I brought to any meeting.
So, the message is to do just what you are doing - stand straight, keep your head high, and smile. There is now more of you to love! And, when pleasingly plump people laugh, they look so much more jolly than skinny people!
NCAQuilter ☺️ 🙏 thank you sooo! Yeah I actually think pleasantly plump ones look good; it’s just me in general I’m still trying to like no matter what.
Yeah, that's the hard one! Sometimes I think we tend to put too much emphasis on trying to like ourselves that we miss out on a lot of joy. We aren't perfect - there is always going to be something not to like and agonizing over it may be counter productive. I'm not sure, but maybe it is better if we liked ourselves with all our faults, just as we love others in spite of their faults. After a while, those faults leave our consciousness, never to be considered again. We can, and should, work to change those traits that harm others or ourselves. After that, what's left isn't worth the time to agonize over!
I'm trying this mindset, and it seems to be working so far.