Health anxiety night sweats - Living with Anxiety

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Health anxiety night sweats

Marialou11 profile image
4 Replies

Hi can anyone help.

I've suffered with crippling health anxiety for over a year now. I have had so.lany scans and blood tests and nothing has ever been found but I still have this huge cloud thinking there is something wrong mainly because I'm having night sweats every night. Not drenching but every night I wake up sweaty and clammy..of course I've googled this and think I have lymphoma which is being left and not found. All my blood are normal I dont have any other symptoms just constant worry and fear. I have two young children and its just torture going through this every day thinking I'm not going to be here to see them grow up 😓 please help ♡

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4 Replies

Hello :-)

I also suffer with health anxiety and mine takes over every waking thought as well as feeling I can't breath and the list goes on

I coped with it from a very young age and that is what I held on to , I was young so the chances that anything would happen were slim but as I have got older those thoughts are no longer working and instead have got worse especially as I have been having some genuine health issues which I just am not coping with at all

Night sweats can be two things , it can be a hormonal thing as well as even when we are in bed we may feel we are not anxious but we are and anxiety is well known for making us sweat

I get night sweats every night , I sleep with a fan on , windows open even in the Winter because of them , I know that there is every chance because of my age my hormones play a part as well as my anxiety but if you have had all the tests done and they are all clear you have to try and change your way of thinking and start trusting the Doctors , I know it is not easy but they will be right :-)

If I could go back in time and give myself the best advise I could it would be to get myself some support early , some intervention like Counselling or therapy as with Health anxiety I feel it is a seed that gets planted in your brain and if you leave it then it just grows and grows till it takes complete control and I would not want that for anyone as it is no life

You are not alone though :-)

Take Care x

Marialou11 profile image
Marialou11 in reply to

Hi lulu,

Thank you so much for taking time to reply to me 😊

I have had my hormones tested and all ok (I'm 29 so didn't think it would be menopause) still could be hormonal I guess as I have recently started the pill again for adult acne.

I just can't get it into head that it's nothing, for me symptoms have to be something. My family are amazing at supporting me through this but it is really getting to them now. I am on a waiting list for CBT therapy which I've been on for 8 months now! I'm hoping this help me in some way.

My problem is I don't trust drs and of course I google everything so I know every symptom of everything! I really wish I could block google on my phone so I have no access to it at all!

In the last year I've had so many tests done from x-rays to MRI scans. I've had blood tests every month nearly and still not reassured. It all started when I found a lump in my breast at the beginning of the year (which was nothing) my HA spiralled out of control from one bizarre symptom to the next.

I really appreciate your help it is a comfort. Just wish I could no 100% that I'm ok and not dying from some sort of cancer that hasn't been found 😓

in reply to Marialou11

Hi :-)

Just because you are as I shall politely say about myself middle aged does not mean those hormones can't play up and give you sweats , but that pill could be to , maybe something if you could talk to a Doctor they might think of changing it

But seriously it is a well known fact that anxiety makes you sweat and for lots of us at night , all those tests cannot possibly be wrong and if they showed a glimmer that something did not look quite right they would honestly investigate further

O dear me , Google or shall we give it it's full title Dr Google !

It really makes us feel so much better when it throws out that worse scenario doesn't it yet we still keep going back for more :-/

Thing is what we forget is that it cannot examine us , it cannot take blood tests , it does not have our medical records yet we still believe it !!!!

And to show how this get's us the Doctors that can actually do all the above when they do them for us what do we do , we don't believe them !! :-D

This is the nature though of HA , how it keeps us under it's control because it has us a victim and and it does not want to loose that power it has over us

But and I know trust me I really do we have to start reversing the way we think

When you get the temptation and I do get it to as well as sometimes it wins maybe put an elastic band round your wrist and give it a flick to give you a sharp reminder Dr Google is not your friend and it won't make you better but 1000 worse !

I know friends and family like mine are and have been very good but I think they get frustrated because they just don't know what to say or do any more with us bearing in mind because this is our minds they cannot see it and they try to listen but there is no way they can understand as only us that suffer know how it feels

I am glad you are down for some cbt , I am sure it will help , again I know depending where we live the waiting lists are long , maybe if you have a number you could give them a ring and ask if they have any idea how much longer it could be or ask your Doctor if they could chase it up and fine out , I always say there is no harm in asking :-)

You are not dying and I could tell you a 1000 times nothing is wrong but I know your mind might settle for a while and then it will kick of again , it is like it is torture we are living with !

But even though it is hard try and reverse that thinking , remind yourself when that fear comes , I have been tested , tell yourself I am fine even when you don't believe it keep reversing those thoughts

Need to chat you know there are people just the same as you so pop on and hopefully while you are waiting for cbt it will help :-)

Remember , keep of Dr Google , give it the sack !!! :-/ x

thyroidmom84 profile image

I just wanted to let you know I feel like I could have written this. Ever since being diagnosed with Hashimoto’s last year (autoimmune cause for hypothyroidism), I have had so many weird symptoms and been too so many specialists. I am also sweating more than usual. I also feel very flushed and hot even though o don’t have a fever. It is awful. And I have 2 children as well- that is the hard part.

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