I will try to keep this brief because the last few months for me have been pure hell. I have been under a tremendous amount of stress lately, starting back in August 2018 when I returned from a trip out of the country. I got extremely sick coming back and ultimately passed it on to my daughter, who had to be rushed to the ER because she was so sick. Ultimately my daughter recovered, but I broke down thinking I gave her something horrible and possibly might have killed her. I got somewhat better, but was under a lot of stress with work. I went on a cruise in mid-September and during the cruise I started to get a lot of pressure in my sinus area and horrible tension headaches, something I have never experienced. When I came back, I felt "imbalanced" when walking and my legs were tense...didn't think to much of it and hoped it went away. Well, days went by and the imbalance feeling never left. My anxiety went into over drive and I would start to feel dizzy and "vibrations" when laying down in my body. Again, I was extremely busy and stressed with my job the whole time this was going on, all the while not getting much sleep (I have a 3 year old that my wife and I are trying to get to sleep on her on). Weeks go by and no change and the stress keeps piling on with work and ultimately I go to an ENT who tells me I have a horrible sinus infection. I have this "balloon" procedure done, opening up my sinuses. Also, I was tested for allergies and apparently I'm allergic to wheat, mold, dust and a laundry list of trees (ones that are all around me)...ENT doctor even said "I don't know how you walk outside." I finish the procedure and ultimately I can breath much better, but the imbalance and vibration feelings are still with me. I have seen a few GPs, ENT, Neurologist, Counselor and even a hypnotherapist during this time, all of which conclude it is related to: sinuses, allergies, stress & anxiety. In addition, I have had an MRI and CT of the brain, which found nothing. As much as I want to truly believe this is stress caused, part of me just leans towards that it is something much more greater. During all this time I have had horrible "luck" (if there is such a thing), work has been shitty, no sleep, totaled a car, found a massive mold problem in our AC, water heater burst, found out my mother re-lapsed...and these are just the ones I'm remembering right now...all this in a 2-3 month span. I'm mentally and physically exhausted...does anyone have any advice or been through something similar...I feel like I'm drowning.
Physical Symptoms?: I will try to keep... - Living with Anxiety
Physical Symptoms?

Oh yes have been suffering 2 and a half years. The last 9 months have been hell. Typing this i am shaking on the inside legs feel terrible. Just had a son diagnosed with cancer the last 3 weeks have been even worse. Ij wake up in the night and feel ill as soon as i open my eyes. Feel there is more to this but don't seem to get any help from doctors or hospitals so i feel for you. Personally i am over it all.
I have had the dizziness and vibration feeling 24/7 for the past 8 months. I started prozac which has helped it not bother me so much, but the dizziness has not stopped
Man, sorry about that. Mine isn’t 24/7...mainly whenever I am “relaxed”...which still fuckin sucks.
So the dizziness happens for you in less stressful situations? That's interesting
Lately I don't even like to classify it as "dizziness"...more like an "imbalance" feeling...feel very giddy and anxious. So, I have been better lately, but it's been a long long long road.
Mine kind of feels like I'm swaying on a ship or sometimes like I'm falling through the ground. Do you get that at all?
Oh ya, probably my main symptom. Vaping weed is what has helped me in the past month or so. It's anxiety gone out of control.
Which strain do you use? Weed is always hit or miss for me. It either makes me feel great or gives me a 30 minute panic attack
Mainly mimosa...I don’t do it a lot or enough even to get high, that’s why I chose vaping instead of smoking. Maybe it’s also a dosag thing for you? I took Valium for a few weeks and it certainly helped, but it made me tired and I didn’t want to get addicted to a benzo for life.
I went through a crazy amount of stress the past 5-6 months and I have never handled stress well and ultimately I believe it caught up to me...ending up in horrible symptoms. After countless tests, blood work and various doctors from a variety of fields...it's anxiety...you have to tell yourself that or else the vicious cycle will continue. I'm not 100%, but man...a few months ago, it was horrible. Also, exercising, eating healthy, taking quality supplements...all of that adds up...you don't wanna be stuck on a drug the rest of your life.
Man, you explained what I'm going through almost exactly. My stress hit a tipping point and I was basically stuck in bed for months riddled with anxiety attacks and weird physical symptoms. I've been taking xanax for months, but am starting to wean off it. I'm afraid of getting addicted. The prozac has helped a lot, though I'm still not 100%.
Ya there was a period I hated leaving my house, but had to certain times...well because, had to work! It was pure hell, now it's "manageable". My biggest advice to you is to work your ass off to get off these pharma drugs. Yes, at times they can be beneficial and useful, but most of us don't use them for the short-term and most doctors sure as hell don't talk about the possibility of addiction, mainly because the State approves of it. I have dealt with anxiety my whole life, but it wasn't until the "swaying"/imbalance feeling come about, that I hit rock bottom essentially. I learned, if I wanna make it past my 40s (mentally & physically), I have to change the way I think, regardless of the countless shit I have seen, heard and been through. It's hard as shit and it could possibly take months or a year or so before you see symptoms slow down, but isn't that better than living like you were in purgatory? There was a stretch my anxiety and panic attacks were so crazy I swore up and down I had some horrible autoimmune disease like Parkisons or MS. Now, after some relief and my mind calming down, I realize how crazy I fuckin went. You aren't alone.
For real. I was convinced I was dying, and kept seeing doctors. I wish I could remember what it was like to feel "normal" or just okay.
Once you calm down, you will catch a glimpse and it will remind you that you have to work on your anxiety.
Starting therapy soon. Hopefully that helps
Certainly won't hurt. You have to change the way you think, that's the key.
Hope you are feeling better man!
Thanks. Same to you. Feeling dizzy and sick, but I'm able to handle my anxiety better recently... Like I feel terrible, but I don't let it send me into full on panic
I think CBT might help. If you have done tests galore (like me) and everything is coming back "negative"...you gotta tell yourself you are stuck in fight and flight response...only way you are gunna pull yourself out. If you are a logical person, it's what makes the most sense and is the most probable. Eventually it will fade, but it might take months or a year. Recognize you will have have setbacks, but if you take two steps backwards, plan on taking three steps forward...that's how my defeat of this bullshit as gone at least - shit just doesn't go away. You have to put in the work.
Yeah, it's frustrating because I KNOW it's just anxiety, but I'm in the fight or flight. I can feel it when I try to lay down and relax. It's like my body is prepared for something to pounce on me, even though logically I know everything is fine.
Yup, I know exactly what you are talking about! It will take a lot of time to accept in order for your brain to go back to "normal".
Hey man, randomly thought about you today, hope you are doing good brother! Might sound weird, but given that we have some of the same shit going on, reason why I thought of a total stranger haha. Anyways, wanted to let you know that times when I "think" less of my lightheadness and wobbly/rocking feeling (which is extremely rare), the less it really is there. I'm just grown accustomed to constantly "thinking" about how I feel different, but I really lean that it's a mental state that I'm stuck in. Give it a shot...hard as shit, but I have noticed it has been somewhat working.
Hey man, thanks for checking in. I experience the same thing! For example yesterday I hung out with a friend and I was kinda just distracted and not thinking about my dizziness, I didn't even feel it. I still felt a little off, but I wasn't paying any attention to the dizziness. Fast forward to right now when I'm not doing anything, and the world is rocking.
Best of luck to you.