I have been with anxiety since August 12. I saw my doctor on August 21 prescribed me escitalopram 10 for like 2 weeks on week 3 he raised it to 20 mgs and added buspirone 5 once a day. On October 2 I went back for follow up and he raised my buspirone to 2 times a day. I have been dealing with so much last week on Thursday I had to travel out of the country due to my grandmother been very ill. I returned Tuesday night and my grandmother still on hospice while my father is now sick dealing with high blood pressure due to the stress about his mom and I am still trying to cope with all this happening. I had a follow appointment today. My doctor raised my buspirone to 3 5 mg tablets a day. I start with escitalopram 20 mgs at 7 am daily for the past 6 or 7 weeks. I need good reviews and lots of positive vibes for my meds. I really need for all this meds to kick in I need to be strong for my father and my self I even had to take a leave from my work because I have missed quite a bit. Please pray this monster goes away I am doing a little better I just think it could be all the stress going on in my life!! Thanks in advance for your input
Anxiety help needed: I have been with... - Living with Anxiety
Anxiety help needed

Hello So17
Dealing with anxiety alone is a major thing , trying to stay strong for your family at the same time is even more draining
I know you want to be there for them but you have to get yourself in a better place and take care of yourself so you can be , so do what you can to support but what feels like to much try and take time out for yourself , you need and deserve it to
The medications you are taking usually work but they can take up to 3 months , been patient can be hard as we feel we want a quick fix but even medication takes time but have faith that you will feel the benefits once they take there full effect
Take Care x

Thanks for the positive input I am confident and pray they kick in and help I have seen improvement just not the full effect. Today I start my 3 doses of buspirone 🙏🏼 They help more!!! Xoxo
It is still early days but in a few months you will have forgotten the time you waited , you will get there x

I really do hope so it’s been a monster and today I woke up crying and thinking how this affects the whole body our whole life!! Looking forward to feeling better anytime now.
I'm sorry to hear that you are going through a hard time. Dealing with these life changes is not easy. You will have to take one day at a time. Don't be hard on yourself if you feel like you have to grieve.
Thanks Ann it’s just been bad and I feel hopeless sometimes like I can’t do much when I used to be the strongest one and the most firm in my family everything seems to go wrong and I just feel that I can’t take this anymore. Been on my meds since August 21 and it’s a roller coaster. I was doing a little better and now I feel so anxious well my doctor added Buspirone 3 times a day I started with 1 and now inctrased to 3 Someone please help me
Have you considered counseling? bit.ly/This_resource might be helpful for you.
I have had 3 sessions with a therapist I really don’t know how long it takes to see improvement I just feel anxious and start panicking about not breathing and not been my self. It’s just had to deal with this monster
I like to use my five senses to enjoy the present moment. Walking outside helps improve my mood. I like to look around and notice the scenery. If you enjoy music, you could listen to a relaxing song. I hope that you can find a new hobby that comforts you. Keep looking for a solution.
Thanks i will try it’s been hard but I push myself into doing things even showers are getting hard for me to do but i pray and looking into changing my meds because it might be that
I had genetic testing done by a provider who used a test made by Genomind. I was getting side effects from medication and wanted to find out the best one for me to take. A lot of the medications that I tried were hard for my body to process due to my particular liver enzymes. Once I had the testing done, my provider found the best medicine for me.