Pins and Needles, tension headaches, a... - Living with Anxiety

Living with Anxiety

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Pins and Needles, tension headaches, anxiety

Hushpuppy profile image
13 Replies

I have had GAD and health anxiety for years. One of my most annoying symptoms is when I have hypochondria and think something is wrong I concentrate on a certain area so much I actually start to feel pins and needles tingling, and pain in that area. I will touch it over and over checking the area to see if I can somehow magically find something. lol Right now it's my head and the thought of a tumor or MS is giving me tension headaches and tingling and numbness. I had done this before in my chest, arm, and stomach. I know I'm doing it but I just can't get my mind off of a certain area of my body when I think something is wrong. It also makes me have dizziness and I feel fragile, and Do any of you do this? It leads me to have too many tests, and bother my family with questions like, "Do you think I have this?" or "that?" It drives me and them crazy. Ug, anxiety is the worst!! I especially do this in times of other stress or if someone around me has a health condition. I thought I'd share and see if anyone can relate. Thanks :)

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13 Replies

Hello ~ oh yes have been there done that and got the t shirt tbh. Whatever you do though don't ask Dr Google. I won't watch any medical tv programmes or read any articals in magazines that are health related or I think oh I might have that. Mr Anxiety just loves getting us in a panic tbh.

Wishing you well today 🙂

Hushpuppy profile image
Hushpuppy in reply to

I hear ya! I was on Mr. Google all night until I found this wonderful place. :)

It's so nice to talk to others who understand. I need to stop googling for good and yes, I try to avoid medical shows as best I can. When anyone in my household has them on I bolt. lol

in reply to Hushpuppy

Well scrap Dr Google and come on here instead. Sometimes a chat can be the tonic we need . Don't always have the answers or miracle cure ~ but always someone who can understand just what you are going through.

So NO Googling today for you lol ! Well unless you want to buy a new handbag or something nice ~ Mr Google can be helpful then 😃x

Hushpuppy profile image
Hushpuppy in reply to

Sounds like a terrific idea! Amazon is better therapy. lol Thanks

in reply to Hushpuppy

Most definately Amazon is one of my best friends lol 😃x

Cwoods profile image
Cwoods in reply to Hushpuppy

hahahaha i bolt

Abhimanyu1 profile image
Abhimanyu1 in reply to

I have had a happy healthy lifestyle till now, last one month was stressful, thought whole day long about stuff happening in my life. That one month of stress and anxiety was enough to cause havoc for my body. Fatty liver, thick blood what not lol . I did the exact same thing, searched google a lot about the internal shaking that I felt while sleeping or waking up. That shaking went away when I stopped paying attention to it but now I feel other pains in body. Stress and Mr google are the convicts. Avoid them

Hello Hushpuppy & Welcome :-)

I have had anxiety for to many years and when it first started well it was my health , even though I was so young looking back I think why on earth did I worry over my health as now I am getting older and do have a few health problems I can see how much time I could have been enjoying myself that I wasted worrying for the worse to happen

Over the years my anxiety has had every medical issue you could possibly think of making me believe I have got it and some the Doctor's have looked at me and replied that is impossible but to a mind full of anxiety it believes everything is possible , anxiety get's us in one form or another and makes us fear so it can stay in control

I to have had over the years reassurance from the Doctor , tests etc but all the reassurance in the world will only calm us for a short while and then it will be back again because we have got into that frame of mind and way of thinking and it is about reversing that thinking process , that is what will help long term but we need help and time to do that

Have you had any Counselling ? you could benefit from that in helping you to understand how and why you fear so much that something is wrong

Know that you are not on your own with this but there are ways to make it better , I still get in a flap when I think something is wrong but I can normally control it before it takes over with reversing the negative thoughts into positive thoughts

Ask yourself as someone said to me , what makes you feel you have been selected to have all these things wrong with you ?

To be honest I did not know what the answer to that was :-)

Take Care x

Hushpuppy profile image
Hushpuppy in reply to

I have taken all my kids to counsel but strangely enough, I've had none. My son has Tourette Syndrome, and my daughter has social anxiety. It runs deep in the family, and I sometimes feel guilty thinking I've raised all my kids on a diet of my anxiety and panic. :( So, while I have been to many psychologists with my kids, I haven't ever seen one for myself. It's so expensive, and not covered by health insurance I guess I sacrifice myself for others.

Why do I think all these things are done to me? Hm, that's an interesting question. lol I had to chuckle when I didn't have an answer either. I'm still thinking about that one. I'll let you know tomorrow. ha ha


in reply to Hushpuppy

Typical Mum here , looking out for others and putting yourself last , I know because I have done that to , yet imagine if you did put yourself first and you got so much better how much then that would help your kids ?

Sometimes looking at things from a different perspective can help and have a think about that one while you are working the other one out :-D

I understand it is expensive , I am in the UK and we have the NHS but if there was any way you could you are worth it you know getting some help for yourself to :-)

There is nothing and I mean nothing that you have passed on to your kids that has made them the way they are so don't think like that , I have 3 grown up children , all fine ( well I think they are ) my Mum had 2 and just me like I am , sometimes these things are what they are , nothing more and nothing less :-)

Just going to do a weekly check in post in a bit , hope you might come on there and have a chat to would be nice to see you :-) x

Bird-67 profile image
Bird-67 in reply to Hushpuppy

That is one big symptom of Anxiety, we look after everyone else but ourselves.

I have been told many times to do something for you but find it so hard.

I don’t have health Anxiety but I do have many other forms of it.

I think you have come to the right forum as you will never feel alone on here and that is a big plus with Anxiety related issues.

Take care and forgot Mr. Google xx

I can definitely relate to this. Last week I went to the ER with stomach and lower bank pain. Of course, I had went on google and self diagnosed myself with kidney stones, cancer or abdominal aortic aneurysm. I only went because I told myself what if I have an aneurysm and it ruptures at home and I die. Which made me so anxious and made the pains worse. Went to the ER, they ran labs and tests and everything came back normal. I remember feeling so ashamed and when I called my mom and told her everything was fine she was so patient with me and said I just needed peace of mind. Then I realized it only gives me peace of mind for a little bit. Anxiety can manifest as physical pain which was happening to me. I am learning to recognize when it’s anxiety and when it something actually real. If I hyper search something online, and obsess over it it’s prolly my anxiety. When I am actually sick, it seems to come on and I don’t notice the symptoms until I am like wow I feel kind of crummy so then I go to the doctor and I didn’t even look up what it could be.

in reply to perkofawallflower

Hello :-)

I know exactly what you are talking about , and this is how Health Anxiety works but we have to stop Googling , that has to be a no no , come on here and say Hi instead :-) if you Google you will be a 1000 worse I can guarantee that one for sure , remember anxiety is like a little unwanted nasty friend that does not want to let go and will whisper things like Google that so it can keep a hold of you , when you get these thoughts and feelings tell yourself I know what this is , that nasty unwanted friend anxiety , nothing else but that and I am choosing not to listen , just like someone you don't want around you in real life the more you ignore them slowly they go away , same with this , it is not easy I know but with practice it gets better and you do have us to talk to now so hopefully that will help :-) x

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