Does anyone else suffer the feelings of living with a negative parent? My mom is 70 and I'm 21. She adopted me when she was 50 years old and I believe the age gap plays a huge role. My dad is 68 but he is very nice and supportive of me. My mom is always bringing up my past mistakes and saying how I will never reach my goals. My dad does not stop believing in me. My mom is always saying how I need to lose weight and she seems obsessive about my number. I do not even tell her the number anymore. I have not told her my number for a long while. She says how good looking guys like slender girls. I am not built with a small frame. I have a medium frame and I lift weights and workout 5 or 6 days a week. I weigh 175 and I know that my body fat percent isn't where I want to be at, but I am not fat. I fit most of my clothes and I have a solid built as my doctor says. I asked him if I needed to lose weight and he said I am healthy the way I am. He said I'm not built like a small woman. I am a muscular strong woman. My body fat percent is 28% because of my abdominal fat. I can easily bring this down with healthier eating as I have been doing. The only way to prove her wrong is continuing to succeed. She said I would not pass my nursing class and I finished 2/15 in the class. It is just really aggravating to constantly be around someone that acts like this. She is only like this towards me not towards my brother. She does go off on my dad when he agrees with me but I sense that she has some kind of mood disorder. One day she loves me then the next she's degrading.
Effects of living with a stressful person - Living with Anxiety
Effects of living with a stressful person

That's horrible. It must be so stressful to live with that everyday. Surround yourself with positivity and positive people. That would help. You have nothing to prove to anyone. Remember that. As long as you're comfy in your skin you're OK.
Hello mrs.KatieRichie94 i read your story.... i hope you are really in upset mood. you eager to want your parent love especially your Mother Love. But you are more disappointed . The age gap between you and your mother little big.
My small suggestion is Try to make yourself more calm and very silent girl..
involve yourself in good things like devotion life...
My suggestion is Read the Holy Bible...specially ( Isaiah - 49:15 - Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.)
Lord Jesus Love and grace is really make you more comfort.....Daily pray to God and share your feelings. He must help to you,,....
Jesus With you...
Hi Katie. I know how you feel. My husband was the same way. If possible, can you move out? Maybe share a place with a friend? Separating from my husband was the best thing I did. He is an alcoholic, which is kind of like living with someone with a mood disorder. Try to be objective about yourself when your mom is going all negative on you. Don't even get caught up in defending / explaining yourself to your mom, it will get you nowhere. Good luck.
Katie....I had same....its not nice......please ignore her....and Stop it about weight....please....carry on girl...