Sat on the sofa this morning and all of a sudden I got a funny feeling through my body like a rush and then my heart rate went up for a min then back down to normal?
Anyone else had this before?
Sat on the sofa this morning and all of a sudden I got a funny feeling through my body like a rush and then my heart rate went up for a min then back down to normal?
Anyone else had this before?
Oh yes get those feelings most days scared the crap out of me.
Do you measure your heart rate?
Mine was up for maybe a minute then came back down.
The feeling through my body was like a tingly warm burning sensation hard to describe.
Thank you Dorsey
Yes terrible i duffer all day everydsy now i jzve the runs again like water over it all.
It is terrible, I've just started couch to 5k see if it helps. I'm like that when I get anxious.
I've also started cbd oil from love cbd.
How do you manage to cope with the anxiety?
Not coping at the moment feel so ill don't know what to do anymore
Hello Dorsey,
Have you tried cbd oil? its supposed to be good for anxiety but each to there own it might work for you.
Book an app with your doc see what they can do for you.
I experience the burning and tingly sensation scares the crap out of me
It's horrible isn't it.
Yes it is just makes us worry more.
That is the cycle I am trying to nip in the bud,
Try and turn it into what else it could be.
At least we know if we were in real danger our body works and would help us.
Because we think bad of it straight away any sensations we get our brain thinks the worst because our anxiety wants us to think like this,
Its a cycle we need to try and change.
We ourselves are feeling our anxiety.
Not sure if I have give you this website there is loads of self help it's centre for interventions.
I get that burning sensation when I've other been sat thinking about sonething that has stressed me out or a sensation I get like dizzy then the rush comes.
Have you noticed when yours comes on?
Where do you get the burning tingly feelings
Normally my chest arms and legs, sometimes I get a crawling sensation in my head.
What about you?
Chest back round ribs so uncomfortable and stomache tingly legs.
I've put a post on just above these last few posts. Have a read there is a useful site to go on.
I wonder if it's a release of stress hormones.
Mine gets worse when i keep thinking that i have a major illness
Yep same as mine, today try and change the way you think it's hard but try it.
Your brain will tell you to think bad but change it round and think it's just a headache because I didn't sleep so well last night or have a bad neck,
It's just can example I've used there.