I just don't beleive what I'm feeling is anxiety. Sick of going to doctors no answers and suffering everyday. Don't even want to dok anything anymore because I'm scared of all the strange symptoms going through my body. Any one else feel like this.
This can't be anxiety..: I just don't... - Living with Anxiety
This can't be anxiety..

I feel exactly the same way 24/7.you are not alone.
What symptoms do you get.?
Constant lightheadedness
Feeling faint
Racing heart/slow heart/skips/thuds
Butterflies in my tummy constantly
Muscles aches and pains
Anxiety in my sleep
What about you?
Strange legs. Burning back from waist up pains in back and legs funny stomache feels like something in there. Then i feel like s omething in my back. Wa ke in night with a sweat. Dread waking up to face another day of this crap. Just want to feel well for at least a whole day.
Dorsey, I feel like I have replied to you in the past...I remember your post about the burning in your back and funny feeling in your legs. Well, the way I see it, you have two options. Option one: forget worrying about your symptoms for a few days because yes, you are fed up with them and the fear of what they could represent. You are exhausted and need a break from them. I wonder how you would feel after a few days? The other option: keep fighting and demand referrals to specialists you haven't seen yet like a neurologist or physiatrist if you haven't seen them already. But please know that yes, anxiety can cause ANY symptom no matter how f'd up the symptom may seem! It's basically the placebo effect in reverse...your mind is making you physically ill instead of making you better but it's the same underlying mechanism. I have had patients at work with conversion disorder as a result of childhood trauma and the symptoms are so specific and impossible to believe that they are due to the mind-body connection but they are! There is even a condition called hysterical blindness. The human body is crazy...
I’ve had all sorts of symptoms over the years, then they exasperate my health anxiety, then the constant analysis of the symptoms get worse. It’s a vicious cycle. I do think a lot of symptoms are psychosomatic.

Thank you Karen yes i think so too. Worrying makes them stronger.
Most definitely. I’ve recent had a few days where I have barely noticed my symptoms and I’ve been so much happier and more relaxed. Then the slightest escalation and I’m back to worrying myself stupid.
Yes, I feel the same way. I feel like the doctors are guessing and playing russian roulette with my health. I have chronic back issues, and had a new upper back injury last year. I have many other symptoms. No energy, lack of appetite and anxiety. When I lay down at night I feel throbbing and pulsating all over, the inside of my body feels like a pin ball machine. Then, in the morning when I wake I feel shaky with active nerves. I only sleep a few hours and can't fall back to sleep. My newest symptom is feeling the nerves in my head and face. The Neuro put me on Gabapinten but it's not working. I can only do a few things a day. So afraid of becoming disabled and losing my house, I don't have anyone to take care of me. Some days I feel like I'm going to die. Most of my friends think this is just anxiety and I'm doing it to myself. If I did't have back injuries I might believe that, but there is no way I'm causing this. I've been to the Doctor and hospital, and they are not finding anything else. I know my body, and something is not right. I've been on this quest for 2 1/2 years and I'm tired and giving up. I cry everyday, and am scared to death.
Hi yes me too i feel like total crap just can't do this much longer just got ip and feel like total crap.
I know, hard to face the day. I never want to get up because I know what's coming.
Oh i so wish i could cry but i can't. The funny legs and pulsating stomache make me just want to go to bed although i can't say I'm tired. But only do a few chores a day as i feel i can'tdo them all. I try i really do but nothing seems to work. My partner doesn't seem to understand how i feel so ill i cant even go out and enjoy myself. Went out the other night had one dtink came out ofc their snd i felt so ill i just got home and went to bed. Not a good position to be in.
Do you take any meds at all for relief? Have you researched fibromyalgia, I've been told I have that but I think this is my back and I get anxiety from the pain. Have you had an MRI on your back? Or CT scan on your stomach?
Had stimache scans and colonoscopy all good. Think i could have sometthing in back about t o go and ask for sca ns but hospital said yuouu don't need any.
Oh yes! Your not alone.
Even after few minutes of sleep i wake up with serious tremors. It has exacerbated over years and it's apparently getting out of hand. this cant be anxiety . i haven't been anxious since childhood.
Hi it's a terrible way to feel. I haved never felt so aweful in my life from the moment i wake up until i go back to bed. I have so many symptoms i can no longer live my life and do the things i want too. Even my chores are becoming overwellming my legs feel so awful i have to keep sitting down. The weorst part is not being understood by doctors just seem to get fobbed off. It seems if blood tests are fine then you are healthy but deep down i know I'm not. If i was how cou ld i possibly feel so ill.
I suffer with the symptoms daily. Horrible and Torturous! I'm frustrated with how doctors talk about Anxiety with it sounding so benign when it's a lot more ! Feeling Sick from Anxiety, they don't converse of.
Me can not tell if it's my anxiety or am i ill
One of the exact worries that used to plague my mind "am I I'll or is this my anxiety" terrible situation to be in