No support groups no face to face meetings I have a psychiatrist who gave me Prozac and Xanax and I have appointment to see a therapist on October 16th my anxiety is always through the roof and being anxious all the time makes me even more depressed and am just struck and my only safe place is my house I can’t even go shopping with my mom no-more because am always panicking as soon as I get the confidence to go to the store and walk in my anxiety goes crazy I always end up leaving out very quickly leaving my mom and whoever else came with me in the store I go to the car and cry and the feeling of helplessness and worthless come to me and than I started feeling so alone and the first thing comes to mind is go get a drink u know it will make u feel better and u want be anxious but I know my alcohol mind is lieing to me am trying my best to stay away from alcohol and weed because I want to feel better sometimes I just want to give up and stop trying because is to exhausting and frustrating and I don’t see nothing getting better for me right now am tried of going through hell daily really need some encouraging words to get me through this tonight
Lonely : No support groups no face to... - Living with Anxiety

Hello Tamka39
I think most of us will relate to that feeling of when will this stop , will it ever stop , it feels such hard work I want to give up , we have all felt it but you will get through it
If you had any other illness I bet you would not be so hard on yourself , Mental Health issues are no different from anything else that is wrong with the body , the mind can get ill to and need the same care and time to get well again , give yourself that time and just the fact you try to do things from time to time give yourself some praise because that is a big achievement
It is only 3 days now till your appointment , write down just like you have in this post everything you feel and tell them and I hope you get the right support to help you as you do deserve it
Let us know how you get on
Take Care x
Hey there sweets. I know how you feel. I’ve been dealing with panick attacks and anxiety for 20 years. Worst shit ever!!! I take Prozac (fluoxetine) and for me it’s a miracle worker. I don’t have pannick attacks at all. You will be fine. Give it some time to do it’s job (6+ weeks) and I promise relief is coming. I used to have to leave grocery stores, restaurants, parties or whatever just to try and figure out how to calm tf down. Luckily I decided to take the docs advice and take Prozac and it worked. I was nervous to take it , so nervous that it gave me pannick attacks thinking about it lol but I said f it and tried it and it worked and I pray it will work for you too. You gotta find out what works best for you and just do that. Much love 😁
Wow! Am so happy for u❤️ what u said it my story. Grocery Stores ,Restaurants My son football game my own car doctor appointments and etc it felt like the only place I feel safe is at home and when I get to far from home I constantly check my watch to see how long gets going to take for me to get where am going and back don’t matter what I do, I have to prepare myself daily and sometimes is so frustrating and exhausted because people don’t understand I just can get up and go somewhere I have to know time exit how many people going to be there open space close space anxiety is very nerve racking am so happy we can share our stories and now I know am not alone and now I have hope because am not use to being housebound I want to be able to be free and live my life to the fullest and travel the world 🌎 and I don’t want anxiety to continue to rob my from my life and it hurts because am on disability and I want to find a job and go to college and be happy 😃 am here for u if u want to talk we friends now we going to keep ass together I need your support thank you again sending u a great big huge ❤️
Girl I get it. I think the Prozac will help tremendously. You sound like you are at a stage I was at in my first 5 years of having my pannick attacks. I have come a long way since then and so will you. You start to figure out what works for you and do that. For me I would have to remove myself from whatever I was doing, take one person with me and sit quietly and would tell them to talk to me, about ANYTHING, doesn’t matter just don’t stop talking and don’t expect me to reply cuz I would be there just trying to focus on my breathing and trying not to feel like I’m gonna die 😬. When I say worst feeling ever I fricken mean it, so I know. Now years later, I’m all good, can do anything and go anywhere and do things that I thought would send me into an all out pannick attack without any pannick at all. Part of it is I have learned over the years how to do what works for me and an even bigger part has been the Prozac. When she first said Prozac to me I literally had a pannick attack just hearing her say that (so annoying) and it’s also cuz I’ve heard that taking anti depressants can possibly make you feel like you wanna commit suicide and I was like oh hell no, I don’t wanna feel like that, what if that happens to me, will I know that I’m feeling like that or will I not know and just kill myself. There I went with all the what if’s in my head which was leading me to pannick LoL. I get so mad at my brain sometimes lol. But I decided to move foreword and give it a try after she reassured me that no, I’m not gonna kill myself and yes I would know if I felt those feeling and that she thought Prozac would be a good fit and so I tried it and I couldn’t be happier I did. I have a good feeling it will do the same for you. You sound a lot like me 😁 yes, let’s stay friends and if you ever need someone to talk to I got you!!!! Don’t worry, once your feeling better you will accomplish all that you want to. It gets better! 😘
I heard Prozac is really for depression so am praying it works for my anxiety
I had heard the same thing. I also heard it for bipolar and many other things and I was worried she was giving me the wrong thing. That is why I was scared to take it because I do not suffer from depression or any of those other things at all, but I decided to trust what the doc was telling me (she said it’s used for many things including pannick attacks and anxiety) and thankfully I did cuz it has worked. I hope it does for you too. I think it will!
I’ve been reading some of your other posts just right now too. We seem to be a lot more alike then you think. I’m a drinker too and have felt those emotions as well. I am also a mother of 3. A 22 year old, a 7 year old and a 5 year old. I am 39 about to be 40 in feb. been dealing with anxiety since I’ve been 20. If and when you ever need someone to talk to don’t hesitate! 😃 I am not sure where your at in the world but I’m in Cali and if you ever need a friend to talk to I don’t mind giving you my number so you have someone. Just let me know 👍🏻😁
And your def not alone. When I first started having my pannick attacks I knew no one with them, I def felt alone cuz no one understood and everyone would be like just calm down. My response was like if I could fkn calm down I would but I’m not in control of this shit lol. Again, it gets better. Then years later come to find out more and more ppl are dealing with the same situation. 🤷🏻♀️ Who would have thought. You got this!