Do you have bad memory? Sometimes I forget what someone said 5 seconds ago, I’m not exaggerating I can’t recall what days I did what. It could be from anxiety at least partially or from medication or what if it’s Alzhiemers like my mom has? It’s so heartbreaking to watch her mind go off and away.if I get Alzheimer’s I do not want to continue living. It’s pure hell for her and her diseased brain is a trap for the rest of her. She needs to be free. It’s so scary coping with someone right in front of you fading away, changing dramatically so that they may as well be a stranger in the darkness struggling to wake up from the bad dream which is life with the disease. I had been avoiding sharing about it and pushing my concerns for her in the back of my mind but now I must face it this fair of hers. She is like a bunch of different people all caught up in one body, taking turns and then at times they fight all at once and it sounds like she is possessed and she yells Evil over and over ...
Memory/Alzheimer’s : Do you have bad... - Living with Anxiety

My beautiful friend, I also have periods where I can't remember things 2 minutes after I say them. Sometimes I walk into a room and forget what I was going there for and I start sentences and lose my train of thought before I can even finish. I get so frustrated when that happens. I said I needed to talk to you for 10 minutes tonight and I forgot about what. I couldn't even message you to have that conversation. This scares the heck out of me and ratchets up my anxiety by a factor of 3 sometimes, I am so sorry that you are going through this because you are such a gentle, sweet and loving person. The day I forget who you are would be a major, major tragedy in my life. We should talk often to keep each other in our hearts and souls. That's where we shine the brightest and live to the fullest. I wish there was something I could do to help you. It grieves me greatly that this is happening to you and happens to me way too much also. I will spend many hours praying for you because I want your bright light to keep shining on in my life forever. An extra billion, kazillion, healing and loving hugs from me. I'll see if my guardian angel can work some more magic for you too. Keep fighting and trying to push through it my sweet friend. My heart and my spirit will be right there beside you lendiing all the help it can, your BFF forever, John....
Hi sorry to hear that. I also have bad memory. I can never remember good times only bad times. It's really upsetting not bei g able to remember stuff especiallywhen your kids were young and you can't remember what they did. I believe it is down to anxiety and depression.
Hello Starrlight
My Grandma had this so I know how you feel and watching them still been here in body but their personality has totally vanished and been replaced is heartbreaking yet they do not realise it is worse for loved one's
My Dad was a very strong man nothing bothered him at all but he did have a fear he would get it and yet he never did and no one else so far in the family has either , it can be one of those things as well as missing generations before it appears again
Now as for your memory , well meet mine , I can be having a conversation and forget half way through what the heck I was on about , a word can come in my mind one second later have no clue what it was , I write lists so I remember and then can forget where I have put the list , I am terrible I really am but I know it is anxiety , are mind are so busy , they overload as we are pushing so much into them that eventually they have to stop and have a rest and meanwhile that is why we forget and can't remember things , I think it is like a safety valve that shuts down so we don't con-bust
Please try not to worry I am sure you don't have what your Mum does , I am sure though your mind goes 100 miles an hour and sometimes cannot keep up
Take Care x

Thanks Lulu you are probably right. I probably do not have Alzheimer’s. I will try not to worry.?
You don't have it , your anxiety is telling you that you have so tell it to shut up ! x

Ok I don’t have it I don’t have it it’s just anxiety.
No you don't , you do have anxiety though , not nice I know but you are a strong lady so I know you will keep working through it
Honestly my memory is dreadful , when I shout my kids well adults now I go through several names before I get the right one
I laugh at myself , in fact you know when you do have Alzheimer's you don't know you have it and would not be asking if you have
I think the stress and upset of having to see your Mum has she is , is playing on your mind and setting your anxiety of which is common in people like us to do that
I promise you will be fine x
Ok Lulu thank you. I will be telling myself I’m okay so much that my brain will have to believe.
Oh yeah I go through names too until I get the right one out.
The state that my mom is in is really well hard to watch...I made her a heart shaped board with pictures attached of her favorite things and her being happy. It is a gift for her but it is also therapy for me as I adjust to a different time in life, this new chapter where she has I severe.
At one point in life I swore she made herself sick by constantly saying she had it since her mom did and I DO NOT want to do that.
My sister has altziemers at only 58, it's heart breaking I know, but I don't think you are suffering, it doesn't work that way, it skips generations, no one knows were in our family it comes from ?.
You being so anxious won't be helping yourself or mum.
One of the things I do to help my sister is to make up memory albums of old pictures , she remembers the old days .
It also helps me ,I feel I'm doing something worth while .
Do all you can to make her comfortable. I forget too, can’t remember if I turned the iron off; I am scared to cook in the morning before I leave for work. It is most likely the anxiety that is causing it. I have to make a conscious effort to make note of things in my mind I want to remember. The Bible says this life is but a vapor, why rush the end, it is a vapor anyway. Do all you can to be happy and to be a blessing to others. 💕

Yes! Doing what I can and yes it’s a vapor this life.
Yes absolutely! I haven’t read the responses so I apologize if I’m repeating anyone; but my way of thinking is so weird sometimes. I believe we forget memories days, events and things because our brains are so full and consumed of so many other thoughts. It’s hard to remember what I did an hour ago! Our subconscious thoughts are always active. They take up 95% of our brain. So I could totally be wrong, but I think people like us who constantly overthink and have anxiety; we can’t remember everything! So don’t worry about dementia. It really is our illness. Great post by the way! Xo Star!
Starlight... it's anxiety or we are ALL getting Alzheimer's! Don't mean to joke but seriously my memory is atrocious 🙂 One thing that helped my memory in the past (and I really should resume again 🤔) is learning a language! I used the free website Duolingo every day to learn Italian. It was amazing how "smart" I became in other areas of life (it wasn't just me...other people made comments). Try 15 minutes a day to form new neural networks in your brain and see what happens after a month! It's fun and addictive 😌 and will help keep you distracted from anxious thoughts.
I think I’ll stick to practicing mindfulness and meditation. 😉
Interesting reply. Would you be kind enough to tell me how one goes about forming new neural networks in brain? Sounds like what i need !!!
Well from what I understand, our brains our quite flexible ... it's called "neuroplasticity". Chronic anxiety actually causes dendritic cells of neurons to shorten as the emotion driven HPA axis gets overstimulated and on high alert. The "captain" of the brain, the frontal cortex, loses it's ability to do its job due to the shortened dendrites and is no longer as efficient in controlling the emotional parts of the brain (amygdala, pituitary etc). Anyway, in a nutshell, it seems anxiety prunes back the connections in our brains that deal with rational thought, and strengthens those connections that deal processing and reacting to emotion. The theory is that learning a new language ( or really just doing any novel thinking activity that forces you to "figure stuff out" each step of the way with a reward system after each step) causes strengthening of those rational connections and at the same time, taming the strong connections that process emotions. Sorry for the long explanation, being succinct is not a strong point of mine 🙄
Thanks for reply no prob. about it being long. It confirms a lot of what I expected. All too easy to give in and not bother about "new" things Will investigate "neuroplasticity".. my effort for today!
Foxglove if you'd like a clearer, more reliable explanation (I realized I mislabeled the HPA axis as something entirely in the brain but I think only part of it is) you may want to give "Stress Proof" by Mithu Storoni a read. The part I explained is contained within the first part of the book so you wouldn't even have to read the entire book if you don't want to invest too much time. "Neuroplasticity" is the process I read elsewhere that relates to language learning specifically, and I'm assuming the Mithu Storoni is referring to that same process in his book because both processes sound identical to me, although I can't remember if he actually called it "neuroplasticity" per se. He also gives other examples of activities that can strengthen your rational neural connections. Anyway, you get the picture 😉 The HPA axis, on the other hand, is written up all over the internet so a quick Google search will land you a nice summary 😀. Hope this helps!
I'm so sorry but your not alone cause I too can't remember things a second ago. Isn't it the worst feeling? Sorry your going thru,it too. I'm saying prayers for your mom!! The job I got is in a memory care facility for about 35 to 40 ppl with dementia to Alzheimer's so I truly understand how very sad it is to see. How ya doing today? I know you are dealing with so much but your stronger than you think!! Your awesome Starr😄
I feel so defeated today. I feel like what’s the point.
I do too most days. Its hard to keep positive and motivated each day unless you have a bit of mania. Lol. Sometimes that heops with the motivation anyway. Staying strong for your family must be exhausting. You do it cause your strong more than you think!!! I respect you for hanging in there!!! Hope your days get better starr!!💗😊✌
Thank you! I am trying to be strong and I can feel anger rising up in me because I’m just so frustrated but I think of some I know including you who work so hard and are here for me well I want to keep working and be there for others but it’s just too much now. Now I must somehow feel goodness because I really can’t take the pain anymore.