Here I go again: I was diagnosed with... - Living with Anxiety

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Here I go again

1OshunDreamer profile image
16 Replies

I was diagnosed with GAD a number of years ago. I go up and down with it. I always compare it to being in the ocean. Sometimes I'm scared to dip my toe in. In good times, I'm floating or riding the waves to wear life takes me. Then there is when I can't keep my head above water. The last is where I am now. I'm sick of it. I'm hoping I'll learn to cope better hete.

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16 Replies

Hello & Welcome 1OshunDreamer :-)

What a great way you have described how your anxiety affects you and I think we will all understand that concept :-)

Sorry at the moment you are feeling you are struggling to keep your head above water again I think we will all relate to that feeling but you know it will pass and calmer waters are ahead :-)

I think when we feel down we panic which feeds everything we feel rather than just go with it and wait for it to pass

Is there anything particular happening in your life that has made you feel this way ?

There is always someone about that will listen so you do not have to feel alone , sometimes we don't have all the answers but we do understand how each of us feels which in a small way can be a comfort :-)

Take Care x

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1OshunDreamer in reply to

Thank you lulu-1, I appreciate your words. Yes, I do have things going that have knocked me for a loop. My husband and I are divorcing after 30 years, at work they have decided to start cutting hours according to if your department made all their numbers, and I have problems with my mother. It's all too much.

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Hello :-)

You certainly do have things that must feel like you have the world on your shoulders at the moment what an awful lot to deal with and yes it will feel to much

I once remember someone telling me you are never given more than you can deal with as I to have been through rough times and when I was I thought really ? well it feels to much and I don't feel I will cope but when I look back as painful as these times were I did get through it and so will you :-)

I have been through divorce even though I am happily married now so I have an idea the emotions you will be going through and not sure what it is with your Mum but I have had my share of heartache with my Dad as well as now both my parents are no longer here

The job issue , I know what it is like to fear how will I cope and on less money but all these things we do somehow , someway the answers come , the strength we feel we don't have comes from somewhere and I think people like us that suffer with MH problems are so much stronger because dealing with that alone takes strength and you deep down will have more strength in you than you will feel at this moment

The job issue tell yourself that whatever happens for now you have a job , you have some money coming in and so that is all that matters ( maybe at some stage when you have got over other things you can look at other jobs ) but for now you can survive

You will need help and support with all these things and I hope you have spoken with your Doctor so they can make sure you have all the help they can offer

You have these Communities and sometimes just talking knowing someone is listening can be a problem halved and there are people to listen so if and when you need to vent please come on and vent :-)

Take one day at a time , don't try to solve everything all at once and remember You at are the most important person in your life so be kind to yourself :-) x

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1OshunDreamer in reply to

Lulu1 thank you so much. It helps to know I'm not the only one. My doctor recently decided to give up her practice. I do have my meds still, however I can't get in to see her partner until August. I've tried counseling but I always get more from talking to friends or my sister.

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Hello :-)

Are you in the UK ?

It does not help when we have been seeing one doctor and they move on that is one of the worse blows to us that have MH problems

Have you got enough medication to last till August when you can see her partner ?

If not you must let them know as well as if you feel you are not coping then ask about am emergency appointment , if you are in the UK you would be able to get one , else where I am not sure

I know Counselling does not always help everyone , it is worth trying and trying more than once if we have to

I think one of the crucial things we need when having Counselling is that connection with the therapist , sometimes the Counsellor we get we don't always click , but I would see it through , if you come away with a little something it is better than nothing at all and maybe this is something you can mention when you next get a Doctors appointment

I am glad you have your Sister and friends though that you can talk to and you feel supported and you have us now to :-) x

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1OshunDreamer in reply to

The partner was kind enough continue my meds when I ran out last month. I just feel like they aren't working right now.

I've been to a few different counselor and just get nothing. I feel like I'm guiding them not them guiding me. The problem, I feel in the counselor situation is that early in life, I considered being a psychologist. I studied it for a bit and decided it wasn't me. Because if that I always feel like I know what they will think or say. Does that make sense?

Btw I'm in the US

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Hello :-)

In the US then your medical care is different from ours so you will have to guide me as I will speak how it is in the UK :-)

Yes it makes perfect sense , I always wonder how Doctors go on when they are ill because they will know the symptoms which is something I always say I would never cope with

I have to be honest as well that I know they do a good job but unless you have experienced MH issues I don't think you can learn everything from a text book and know exactly how it feels to live in our minds :-) x

1OshunDreamer profile image
1OshunDreamer in reply to

You are 100% right.

Hi there ~ good to meet you.I also have GAD ~ dont take meds on a permanent basis ~ just Propranolol if things get too much. I have read your reply to lulu and it seems you have a lot of stuff going on in your life so no wonder you feel overwhelmed !

Come on here and have a chat ~ it's sometimes good just to have a "rant" and get things off your chest.

Wishing you well today 🙂x

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1OshunDreamer in reply to

Thank you. I have to ask, why no meds? What do you do?

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Oh meds don't suit me ~ about 6 or so years ago I was prescribed anti d's and they just made me worse tbh. I take Propranolol ~ but only if things get too much.

I like to use the holistic approach ~ Chakras , worry dolls and meditation. ~ which has to be guided ( you tube have some good ones for Anxiety) Think it's best to see what works for you .

Wishing you well today 🙂x

1OshunDreamer profile image
1OshunDreamer in reply to

Thank You! I'm willing to try anything. Where can I find more information about those things? You know internet search, for every real site you get 5 that or either outdated or bogus.

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Well I tend to Google stuff really ~ such as guided meditation for Anxiety ~ just take a look ~ or such as holistic therapy ~ I'm going to Reiki this week which can be very calming too 🙂x

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1OshunDreamer in reply to

Thank you. That helps guide me a bit to know what I'm looking for. Otherwise, I'll end up on some website convinced I have a brain tumor! I'd rather be holistic, I hate meds.

in reply to 1OshunDreamer

Oh no nothing like that ~ just holistic therapy ~ I NEVER use Dr Google lol!!😃x

1OshunDreamer profile image

Hi MollyStark. Is the app for beginners? I've always wanted to try meditation, but some I read about seemed like there was a lot of stuff I needed to remember just to relax.

Not what you're looking for?

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