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16 Replies


I am new here, happy to have come across this community. Two weeks ago, I moved from New Hampshire to Montana, a completely new place to me. I have always had anxiety, but after the move it presented in so many different ways than before. I have felt so scared and anxious, almost like I was completely losing it for awhile. Some days feel better than others. I have been able to wake up without butterflies in my stomach the last couple of days, but I have really struggled with catastrophizing with pretty much everything- even fearing driving for awhile and feeling surreal. Trying to remember to breathe, but I keep finding myself anticipating anxiety and situations that will produce anxiety, it can be quite lonely. I would never wish these feelings on anyone, but wondering if anyone else has or is feeling these ways?

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16 Replies

Hello Subflower1 & Welcome :-)

They saying moving house is one of the most stressful things we can do but you did more than that you moved areas to so no wonder your anxiety has gone up , I think you need to give yourself time to adapt to this big change and trying to accept it is normal for some to feel the way you do will also help :-)

We are a small Community and regretfully not many reply but I hope you will get some more Welcomes to the Community so you do not feel you are alone in how you feel because you are certainly not the only one to feel this way :-)

Has anyone got any feedback or a warm Welcome they can offer Subflower1 ? :-)

Take Care x

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Subflower1 in reply to

Thank you for responding, lulu-1, I appreciate your words and you taking the time to help. You make a great point, moving is very stressful especially to a completely new place across the country. I have been practicing yoga which has helped and trying to get out of the house but not doing too much as to not get overwhelmed. I started fearing that I would experience anxiety in the community which led me to avoid things for awhile- or maybe it was that I was nesting 🤔? Hopefully I will meet some people and get a consistent schedule soon, that should help. The only other glitch is that I now have to travel back by plane in two weeks for a wedding which makes me uneasy as well. If you are ok with me asking, have you experienced any fear of flying?

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Subflower1 in reply to Subflower1

Just to add a little, I am still grieving the loss of my best friend that passed in February. I’m sure that this is contributing to things as well. It’s hard when I think about her. Thank you for listening/reading

in reply to Subflower1

Hello :-)

Are there any clubs or anything you could join so you could start meeting people ?

I have not flown for years and I mean years but used to be very nervous indeed when I did and why ? it is as safe if not safer than any other transport

Maybe telling them how nervous you are as they will support you during the flight , have a good book or something to distract you , take some meditation tapes you can play and know you will be a safe and the journey will be worth it :-)

Sorry I have no more or better advise but let us know how you get on :-) x

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Subflower1 in reply to

Thank you for your response. Just the reminder that flying is the safest form of travel is helpful. Of course I am up and down about it, but I’m mostly feeling better regarding that aspect.

I have had my ups and downs, days where I barely felt anxious and explored my new city and days where I get bouts of anxiety. Last night I had a hard time, my anxiety definitely got to me. I started crying and feeling disoriented. My boyfriend helped me to do some grounding techniques but this anxiety is presenting so differently than it’s ever been and it’s scary.

in reply to Subflower1

Yes flying is one of the safe ways to get to where you want to go remember that when the fear comes in

It is fine to have good and bad days , we just have to accept and ;earn not to fear the bad days otherwise it will feel scary but know and tell yourself they will pass

Remember this is like any other illness you could be recovering from and you will have your up's and downs

Despite how you feel even if it is not worth anything I think you are doing really well :-) x

Hi and welcome subflower1.

All good wishes to you.

Hope it helps being around here,

Glad you found us x

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Subflower1 in reply to

Thank you for welcoming me here! I am happy to have found this group. I hope to connect more, connection can really help.

in reply to Subflower1

Yes agree with you...connection can help very much.

I notice your post about flying. I too am due to fly soon. I too am very nervous. I have been doing a little research at Neals Yard a herbal store, they sell a thing called Australian Bush Flower essence. (Travel Essence ) you can put it in a drink it’s liquid , or take approx 6 drops under tongue, it’s meant to have a calming affect. I’ve just purchased some and intend to try it. Lady in the shop said she uses it and it helps her,

I’m hoping it works for me too 😊

Best wishes to you 🌺🌺

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Subflower1 in reply to

Thank you for replying, I appreciate your response. I think I will look into that travel essence as well. When will you be flying? How are you doing with it?

in reply to Subflower1


I will be flying in a couple of weeks, every now and then I think about it and my stomach does a flip and I feel anxious...I’m hoping that essence helps on the day 😊

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Subflower1 in reply to

I’m experiencing the same reactions. I keep trying to remember that I am flying for a family wedding so it’ll be fun and worth the travel, but my stomach does a little flip. I am going to see if the natural grocery store will have the travel essence. Do you know if there are any side effects?

in reply to Subflower1

I asked the assistant at the store, Neil’s yard and she said not. I’ve not tried it before. If you take a look at my posts, via my profile,,I did put up a picture of it in one of them 😊 the post titled ‘soon to be taking a flight’

best wishes x

Hi there ~ oh yes I feel the same way ~ had a terrible day yesterday with anxiety and worry ~ just wanted to hide away ~ but still had work and managed to get through it. No work today ~ so going to get my hair done and then a few bits and bobs to do ~after that gonna catch up with some tv. This is a great community ~ our Admin lulu is fab and a nice bunch of members too. Welcome!! 😊x

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Subflower1 in reply to

Hi there! Thanks for replying! I can definitely understand the wanting to hide away piece. I didn’t necessarily know that I was isolating myself at times until the move and can take a look at my behaviors. I can now see a lot of times that I avoided things because of my anxiety. I thought that I avoided things or places that I attached to a panic attack but I realize now that I was doing smaller things as well that kept me in a bit of a bubble of isolation.

How are you doing? Did you get your hair down and enjoy some tv?

Oh no worries about replying 😊~ it's good to chat. I suffer terrible with early morning anxiety ~ as soon as I wake up ~ bam!! Mr Anxiety there whispering in my ear and filling me full of dread about what the day will bring. Once I'm up and about it does ease off ~ some days better than others.

Yes got my hair done ~ go every Friday morning ~ gives me a little "boost" and caught up with tv programmes.

Work for me today ~ so off to get ready ~ wishing you well today 😊😊x Oh and hope you have a lovely time at the wedding ~ I don't like flying either but it's never as bad as I think tbh 😎x

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