I'm 19, my anxiety has taken over most of my life, I just want to go and do normal things my age group do! My anxiety has ripped this all from me, and I barely leave the house. My stomach churns, I feel sick, I panic, i go hot and I just want to burst into tears and go crawl into a hole.
I had to tell my friends I couldn't go out to a club with them the other night as I wouldn't have coped with the people, noise and the surroundings in general. I know I'd have a break Down making a huge fool out of my self
Now me and one of my friends have planned to go shopping on Tuesday, I'm already panicking, freaking out and thinking of all the bad things that could happen, like the whole world is going to end!
I just want to normal but I guess it's too much to ask, I feel like a stupid idiot and a failure. I could just sit and cry.