I've had panic all day now. I'm so scared I won't be able to go out anymore. I'm having really dark thoughts right now and I'm scared about anything and everything. I'm 38 and don't feel I can do this anymore.
Panic all day: I've had panic all day... - Living with Anxiety
Panic all day
Do me and yourself a favor type in youtube
Marconi Union- Weightless
Sit back have the lights out or dimmed and breathe
Anxiety is normal, it will be alright nothing to go in dark areas
I promise everythings gonna be good
Try drinking fluids cut back on caffeine
Less sugar idk what your diet consists of but if any of the above is you should adjust accordingly as sugar coffee chocolate not enough water all of this can cause anxiety
I would evaluate your daily routines you may be very stressed or not sleeping enough or too much
I would meditate and jot down everything you did before you felt anxious and compare it with after your anxiety see what you did differently and see what can be changed
Maybe your rushing to do everything and time is the enemy here but im ranting now lol just sit back and write what your doing daily and see if things are rushed or anything
Hello & Welcome
I am not sure if you have looked at the pinned posts to the right side of the page there maybe something there that might help you as well as the Community Guidelines which we should all familiarise ourselves with
I do know what it feels like to be in a constant panic , one that takes over our every waking hour and even our sleep , it is the worse feeling there is and one that you think will never end but believe me it does get better
Sometimes I wonder if we have to go through the worse with this anxiety to be able to get back up but one thing I do know is giving in is not the answer and I feel you may be in the USA and I am not as familiar with what support you have there but please talk with someone about how you are feeling and seek any help you can and support as well as using these Communities
There is no quick fix overcoming anxiety , it takes time and small steps and setting ourselves small goals , maybe just for today you can accept your anxiety is not good but despite that set a small goal and see if you can achieve it , can be anything even if for 30 minutes you won't let your anxiety take control and try and do as suggested meditate maybe , light exercise , listen to some calming music anything really that helps you to switch of and at the end of the day you can look back and see even though to some this may not have been the biggest thing you did to you it was and you did it and that is the small steps I suggest , that would be one step you had took to overcoming anxiety and you can build on that as each day goes by
Someone is always around to chat , let us know how you are getting on
Take Care x
Thank you for the advice. Thank you
I'm so sorry you are going through this, it's awful! Do you know what triggers it, or started it? Not sure if you have tried this, but EMDR works really well to get at the physical symptoms of anxiety and panic, and whatever anxious or negative thoughts are in the forefront of your mind that just won't stop, are moved to what feels like the back of your brain someplace and just filed away. It's nice because it really quiets everything down and feels extremely relaxing. Check the EMDR institute for well trained practitioners if it sounds like something that might be worth a try.
Hang in there through this, there is hope and you have support!