Just joined a few minutes ago. Is anyone housebound from anxiety?? Right now I'm talking my way thru going for a quick walk each morning. Stay,in bed most everyday. Its no way to live.
Help!!!: Just joined a few minutes ago... - Living with Anxiety

Hello & Welcome
Anxiety can create agoraphobia which can creep up on us before we know it so please even though it may feel such an effort keep getting out for those walks it is the best thing you could do
Staying in bed all day I agree is no way to live , it sounds like you could maybe have some depression as well as anxiety and depression do go hand in hand in some cases but with the right help and support this will get better
Have you spoken to your Doctor about how you are feeling ?
There are medications or therapy you could try which your Doctor could either prescribe or refer you for which could be a huge help
We have just had a poll where members have answered with some really good feedback what has helped them the most with their anxiety , it is pinned to the right hand side of the page , I will pop you the link on so it will take you straight to it so you can have a look
It is quite late as most of us are in the UK but I hope as members come on they will welcome you and I hope that knowing you are not alone may help in a small way to , you will always have somewhere you can come and talk and people will understand how you feel
Take Care x

Hi there!! Thanks so much for the message. Yes I have clinical depression and bipolar 2 due my fathers horrible genes. I mostly deal with just the severe depression, anxiety and the ADHD. Your really nice to have sent me the link. Thank youπ I do stay in bed everyday and its scary to go outside. Going to the store even freaks me out. Ppl staring me down rudely is what kills me. Do you also have anxiety or depression?
You are dealing with quite a lot then , I presume you are on medication to help with this ? and I really do feel you need to talk with your Doctor because you need support
I am in the UK no sure where you are but if you are in the UK then I know there is so many support systems out there if you just ask could help you
Yes I suffer with anxiety and also ocd and agoraphobia that is why I am so concerned you are hardly going out because when my agoraphobia started no one including myself realised I was getting agoraphobic and if only we had we could maybe have prevented it getting as bad as it is now which is I hardly leave the house so please keep pushing yourself to get out as I so wish someone had with me
When we suffer with MH problems we can feel everyone is looking at us , like we are walking around with a label stuck to us saying look at me I suffer with MH problems yet most of the time that is our low self esteem and no one is really bothered or looking at us at all , do you think that maybe because you know you may feel that others are looking at you when really they are not ? I know this is how it can be with me
I hope some of the members feedback on that poll might help x

I appreciate the message. I now know I'm not alone in this. Agorophobia is the worst. Its terrifying to leave my apt. How do you survive? Like I don't work right now but have disability that helps pay my rent. My poor mom helps with the rest. I'm not sure how to get passed the front door but keep trying. As far as ppls staring I know they are cause they stare me down like they love making me feel sh***y. I can literally feel the hatred as they stare me down! I know that sounds completely crazy but its just like they want me to feel like shit! I don't know why I even give a damn but its just to much to handle everyday. I've been bullied from back in my school days. Maybe its cause of that or the 7 rapes that also happened. Who knows. Can you leave at all for like groceries or Dr appts?? That's the only time I leave. Plus I'm riding a scooter so that's scary cause everybody stares at me riding. I feel like such a piece of s**t!!! I spend all day everyday in my bed. What do you do during the day? Just wondering how bad off I am. Anyways have a great day.
Hello again
Well I have been like this quite a while now , I am lucky I have a husband who does the outside running about for me , but I do get to the doctors , dentist , and hairdressers , they know me and I go straight there and back and they get me in and out quick but shopping I do online or hubby goes and gets the things we need and it is no life so I urge you while you are still able to get out a little bit just set yourself goals to keep doing it
As for people that may be looking at you in a way they shouldn't then why should you care they are not worthy of you if they think it is clever to look down on someone you are twice the person they are
Think about speaking with your Doctor and letting them know just how difficult things are there has to be more they can do to help x

Thanks. I live in Las Vegas Nevada. I only take medications for bipolar 2, epilepsy, one for depression. No anxiety meds cause I abuse them by snorting my whole prescription in just days. So can't do that. So your able to get out during the day? Wish I could but I'm to afraid. I've told the Dr with no response.
O Las Vegas how lovely only ever seen it on TV
No I only get out to the doctors , dentist and hairdressers which is not often at all just a few times a year
The Doctor should respond if you do not feel they are doing their job very well maybe see another one if you can x

I'm moving to southern Utah in six months to be close to my parents. They moved there just 3 days ago. So I will be getting better doctors help there. Yeah when I moved here I was in awe of the bright lights etc. I've met some very nice ppl here. Other than that its not a great place to live. I'm glad I moved but I'm ready to move. Hopefully Utah will be a great change. Thanks for sharing your story too. It helps to know I'm not alone in this!!
That's fantastic that you will be moving closer to your parents
6 months will go quickly , meantime even if it is small keep challenging yourself in getting out and doing the best you can whatever that is in any day
You will get through this x

I'm sure hoping so!!π Ppl like you in the UK are so much nicer than ppl from the states. Ppl here can be so mean and for no reason. Wish,I could live thereππ
Trust me there are people in the UK that are not very nice as well , you get them where ever you live x

Hi LuLu, that's very true about ppl nowadays. Ppl are ppl no matter where we live. Lol. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New YearsπβΊπ!!! Hugs
A Happy Christmas to you to
I hope 2018 brings you everything your heart desires and more as you do deserve it x

You too LuLu Thank youππππ
Hi there and welcome. I suffer with Anxiety /panic and worry. 5 years ago I was really poorly with Anxiety and for some time I didn't want to leave my home. But I had to force myself to go out. I didn't want to do anything really. Bit by bit tho I managed to get myself back to normal. Just take small steps each day and be proud of yourself when you maybe do something you really didn't want to do. My mantra is "courage is not the absence of fear but feeling afraid and doing it anyway "
You will find a way through bit by bit π

Hi there Thanks so much for the messageπ I know what you mean as far as taking baby steps. I took two walks today. I was terrified but I did it anyways. How bad was your anxiety? I spend all day in bed everyday. Its pretty bad. Merry Xmas and happy new years!!
Well done you that's great π Oh heck I think I worry every day of my life tbh. But 5 years ago anxiety just seemed to take over. Went to my GP who gave me Fluoxetine ~after taking it for a few days I just felt terrible ~to cut a long story short I ended up in A+E . Had to stop taking the Fluoxetine ~was given diazepam to take short term ~but tried not to take them. I was only off work for 2 weeks ~but would say it took me at least a year or maybe a bit longer to sort myself out. Having said that I still to this day suffer anxiety and panic ~but can control it better now. I have Propranolol to take if it all gets too much ~but try not to. I use the holistic approach to calm my mind ~Reiki relaxation music ~little worry dolls ~chakra crystals you name it I've got it. But these are the little things that help me out. You have done really really good today ~go out ( or online) and treat yourself to something nice you deserve itπ well here in UK almost time for sleep ~ Good night and keep strong πͺπͺπ

That's great that you can control your anxiety. You and me both about the worrying constantly. My mom is always telling me I worry to much. Its hard not to worry. Is fluoxine Prozac? Cause I took that and it made me feel great. I stopped taking it due to gaining a lot of weight. Thanks for saying I did good. That helps me get thru it for the next time. Thanks for reaching out and talking to me. That's very kind!!ππ Its really nice cause we can all help each other deal with these issues on a daily basis. Have a very merry Xmas! And an even better 2018!!!
Well you did do good girl ~I'm always about on here ~so will offer help if I can.I may not get straight back to you ~but will as soon as I can.lulu1 our admin on here is really good and you can always count on her .I guess you have dogs (since your user name) it will do you good getting out and about with your dog or dogs as the case may be. They will be by your side through thick and thin ~loyal friends to have. Nearly 7 30am here in UK ~so will have to face the day shortly ~need a few last minute food stuffs so off to supermarket ~which no doubt will be a nightmare ~I must be mad. Don't lie in bed today ( not sure what time it is in US tho) go out for a walk even just for a short time ~You'll be fine ππOh yes I think Prozac is Fluoxetine ~but def not for me ~but hey we are all different ππ

Thanks so much and for the kind words. I lost my dog Cheyenne years ago. Miss her everyday! I can't have a dog in my apt. I'm moving so ill be able to get one then. How's your anxiety on a daily basis? Are you doing ok?
Well anxiety up and down really ~doesn't take much to set it off . But try and keep it under control. Oh so sorry about your dog ~you will miss her.I have 3 cats ~my oldest is 17 and I worry about her with her being old.Well have to get ready now ~but will be about later in the afternoon ~Keep strong πͺπ

Thanks so much kittykat. Yeah it sure doesn't take much for my anxiety to go thru the roof. So embarrassing. Yeah my dog helped me get outside cause I loved taking her to the mnts, lakes and rivers. I've been pretty depressed since losing her. Yeah cats can really help too and so silly too!π Happy holidaysπ
Well supermarkets not as bad as I thought and managed to get everything. I know the least thing can trigger Anxiety it's not nice at all. Oh it sounds lovely where you live mountains lakes etc .At the moment where I live we have a beautiful red sky ~nature can be truly wonderful at times.
Hope all well with you today π

Hey thereπ I used to live in WA state. That's where all the mnts, rivers and lakes but moved to Las Vegas 5 years ago. Ill be moving to Utah which will only be 2 hours away from Vegas. Nature is awesome! Are you celebrating Xmas with your family? I'm going to Utah to my parents home they just bought. I'm even terrified around family. My family is so supportive. How's your day? Hope all is going great for you. Thanks for being so kindπ
Yes will be with family over Christmas. Your family will be lovely with you and sure they will understand your anxiety. If it all gets too much ~Just go off quietly somewhere by yourself. Do a bit of meditation to calm down. You will have a wonderful time with your parents and they will love seeing you. Just give yourself some credit for travelling from Vegas to Utah. You are stronger than you think. ππ
The theraphist suggested me going to walk daily 15 minutes at less. I followed up a calendar, I full fill 52 days someone says it is to get an habite, but rith know I am fithing with my memorie to remember on doing that. I have not a job, a do not want to get a strong and stress one. But What IΒ΄ve learned is to thanks each day, I have dogs, my pets, needs, me I love them, I have some friends. I have done many good thing in my life, I ve tried to see my goals. Each new day is one to re beging.. I am 63 years old woman, but i look younger, but I have a problema, I think I have bad breath I think 30m years ago, rigth know, I am receiving help with groupal therapists, News friends. I did not have, looking to help me to feel better, and so on. But God is my support inside miyself, and IΒ΄ve try to help me with action, etc.