Currently in the process of having a panic Attack. Fears of pending doom. Muscles twitches body aches skin itches. And a lot of crying. I do not know what to do. I'm suffering so much it's unimaginable. Panic, fear, isolation. Worry, stress. Every time I tuen on TV read a paper I see illness death etc. please help I can't take it any more.
Need help: Currently in the process of... - Living with Anxiety
Need help

Hey hunni
Take your self into a quiet room
Now take deep breathes and slowly exhale make sure you relax your shoulders and body.
Keep repeating this until you feel calmer. If it helps focus on something as you do the deep breathing.
Keep talking on here Hun ... I'm here xxx
HI xx Firstky try to calm down, The fears of doom are just that fear if you let them run wild they will continue, so sit if you can and breathe in, through the nose for 5 seconds, pause for 3 then breathe out for 7 , tell yourself its all fear and it cannot hurt you x If the news bothers you and the papers just avoid them xxx Donver

Thank you
You have had some good advise from Donver & Yummi but wanted to let you know someone else is listening to
If you look to the right site of the page there are two pinned posts one days Tips for copying with panic attacks the other is Symptoms of panic attacks if you can try & read them they may help a little & help you to realize nothing bad is going to happen
Let us know how you are later

Doing a little better thank you
Hi Hawaii. Sorry to hear you're suffering. At least youre talking to the right people. We all know how you feel on this site. Some times just rocking my self back wards and forwards helps and just trying to slow my breathing down. All recommended to me by mum who has suffered with panic attacks for years. Please try and just think of all the good in the world. And please stop reading bad news or watching it. When I was at my worst all I would watch were comedies or old fashioned peaceful films. Just be gentle on yourself. Sending hugs, Sam xx