joined this forum because i find it hard to function sometimes with my anxiety, school makes it so much worse but so does staying home i feel like i just cant win
hello i am new.: joined this forum... - Living with Anxiety
hello i am new.

Hello & Welcome
By joining these Communities you will certainly find like minded people that understand
I believe you have been offered medication but stopped taking it ?
You say you are still at School so not sure what age you are which help when trying to give the best advise we can
It really does feel at times things will not get any better but believe me they do , it can be a lot about finding what is going to work best for you and getting all the support you can
Take Care x

hi lulu i was on medication from 8th grade up until i stopped taking it my freshman (it was a mistake ik) but anyway i am now 17 and in my senior year. Thanks for welcoming me so warmly.
When you say it was a mistake do you mean about taking medication ?
I know medication is not for everyone personally I don't like it but at the same time depending how bad you are or what you need it for if you get the right medication it can be a life saver for some and has helped so many
Sometimes it can take a few changes finding that medication that suites you
I hope you have lots of support around you from family , friends maybe even tutors but I hope you know if you want to talk you have somewhere you can now come where you will be understood and know there are people that have been there or are going through it and we do understand what it feels like and how it affects us , so you are not alone x

no i meant stopping the medications was a mistake because i did it on my own without consulting my doctor. and i get support from my parents but they are at their wits end due to my nightly panic attacks
O dear well yes that was a mistake but we all make them so forgive yourself
Do you think then with your parents backing you up seeing a Doctor and maybe looking into medication correctly prescribed could be an option ? x

yes i think it could be im just a bit apprehensive about meds
I understand most of us are but what you have to weigh up is if they will help is it worth facing that fear and trying them ?
Part of what could be putting you of is that you took them before without consulting a doctor and therefore a bad experience but with your Doctor prescribing them and maybe it could be suggested you start on a low dose and see how you get on the results could benefit you
You could always go and talk with them , see what you think once you have or sometimes when I fear something I tell myself I will try it for 8 maybe 12 weeks if I don't feel any better then I will stop which is always an option to x
That is always a option that I think is good for anxiety sufferers that if we do a post and then for whatever reason we feel uncomfortable with it because sometimes we do then we can delete it
It is like you have though nice to let anyone that has replied know and once you give your reasons why we understand
I think you have a better attitude in the way you are looking at this and maybe you do have depression as well as this can be quite common in people with anxiety , you could mention this to your Doctor the next time you go
I understand how anxiety can make us react sometimes in a negative way and maybe that is what happens with you , have you ever thought of maybe writing your Mum a letter explaining all that you feel , how you react etc , sometimes trying to talk can just result in arguments where writing it down , taking a step back and letting that person you want to try and understand you can work a lot better x
Maybe she would take it in better if it was written down worth a try
Yes it is good been nice but at the same time we can't be a doormat so we have to learn how to tell people enough is enough in a calm firm manner which in time you will learn how to do and once you say I have had enough then you have to learn no matter what is said back to calmly walk away , it is not always about who has the last word but who acts the most mature
I understand you feel one med is working best but as the doc would like you to take them all have you thought about maybe taking them for say 2 to 3 months see how you feel and if the others are not helping then you can at least go back and see your doc and say you gave them all a good try and what you found , sometimes they need us to try them and if it doesn't work they need to know as a different combination can be needed but as I always say we do know our own bodies so you have to do what is best for you x
Hope you don't mind me asking and of course you do not have to reply but has your Mu got some problems to because watching TV all day and not caring about her hoe sounds like she could have ?
Do you or would you benefit living on your own maybe getting a Council flat ?
Because you have MH problems and I would presume your Doctor would back you up if you are in the UK that would help you get nearer the top of the waiting list and from what you say as you are neat and tidy having your own little place might benefit you
Years ago I lived in a flat and it was one of the most comfortable and secure places I felt I had ever lived x
It does sound then like she has issues she could be depressed but if someone won't go and ask for help there is nothing we can do , so you have to look after you and put your needs first x
Hi there and welcome to the community!!First of all Its all down to Mr Anxiety messing with you!Making you feel uncomfortable at school and then when you are at home. I suffer with Anxiety /Panic and think I worry every day of my life tbh about something or another. Then if I've got nothing to worry about I worry it a vicious circle really. I believe in the holistic approach to help deal with my feelings and it can help when I get into a state with myself.Find something you can hold onto~ I have little worry dolls also worry/Chakra crystals that I hold onto and ask for strength to help me through. For me it does help ( maybe to do with distraction) but maybe you have a favourite teddy or something to hold onto and just to give you some comfort. Also if you got a little worry stone you could take it to school with you ( would fit into your pocket) and when you feel anxiety taking over ~Just feel the smoothness of the stone in your hand to comfort you. These are just suggestions that may help ~but maybe not for everyone. Don't let Mr Anxiety take over your life ~you are very young and don't deserve this 🌷