Hello - I am 59 and live in Essex - I seem to get more anxious as I get older - I feel the future is quite daunting towards old age
Hello: Hello - I am 59 and live in Essex... - Living with Anxiety

Hello & Welcome
I can relate to you , I am 57 and the older I have got the same my anxiety especially my health anxiety seems to be getting worse
I had pneumonia back in February so my Health Anxiety has really taken control now as the anxiety want's to torment me that my fear as you get older you should worry more is true yet that is not true but it is how you anxiety stays in control and takes you over
It is not easy but we have to try and reverse the way we think and been able to talk with others that have the same fears and relate to us is a huge help , so know you are not alone and I hope as people see your post they will say hello to you and you feel Welcome to our Community
Take Care x

Hi lulu not seen you for a while! Age has a habit of creeping up on us! Health anxiety does seem to get worse over time mine is gastric problems which are affecting me lately (nausea & heartburn) I hope things get better for you soon All the best david
Hello David
Always nice to see you
Yes age does creep up on us doesn't it !
Having health anxiety really does no help with age either
I hope you are keeping well or as well as can be and that you have a lovely weekend x
Hi there your still young at heart I'm 54 and I know how you feel about advancing years but it proberley best to take each day as it come and don't look to far ahead if you don't already do try hobbies that help fill your day which may help lift your mood! I wish you all the best david
Hi thanks for being honest about your fears. It is helpful to hear of others who are also struggling and around my age. I am 57 and just started having problems with Anxiety. I think I am most fearful about money as I get older. In the USA, I technically can't retire until age 67, ten years from now. I fight anxiety every day and might not be able to work for some time. Anyone else in this same position.
Me too. I'm 50, and in the UK. This year has been horrendous, to put it bluntly. I'm currently under the mental health crisis team, as just over a week ago I attempted suicide. (Apologies if this is a trigger for anyone).