Positive Friday : Good morning people... - Living with Anxiety

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Positive Friday

73 Replies

Good morning people.

Sorry I didn't get round to replying to posts last night,I got caught up in something.

Well is Friday again and time to post your positives of the week.I know some of us have struggled this week,but do try and find something good to tell us about.

Here are mine

1. Went to lunch with mum and a friend

73 Replies

Hello there,

That must of been nice, it's always great to be able to get together with family and friends :)

I guess some of my positives this week.

Hearing my babies laughter with silly things.

Made my own bread for hamburgers, my boys like it so much

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Nothing nicer than hearing you little one laugh,best sound in the world.

Although I do bake,I don't make bread.Tried once and it was a disaster.Bet it tasted great and the smell of new baked bread is lovely xxx

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Oh homemade bread x :) I love the smell of bread baking xx :)

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It is, the kids were all over the kitchen while it was baking :)

Petita profile image
Petita in reply to

Oh homemade bread sound great.

in reply to Petita

Yes it's very therapeutic kneading the dough besides the smell and eating it :)

MzMily profile image

Hi there :)

It's wonderful family time, miss mine lots as we are spread out all over the country but do have a great time when we have get togethers :D

I guess my positives are

1. Finally rang and registered with a dentist (big deal for me as im so scared of them!)

2. Lost 2lb this week

3. Waking up all this week without backache (thanks to yoga)

in reply to MzMily

Hi MzMily

Great positives :-)

Good for you registering with a dentist , I also have a fear so I know how much effort that will have taken

I am open & honest with my dentist about my fear & find they do their up most to make it more comfortable for me when I go , so don't be afraid to let them know how you feel

2lb weight loss you must be pleased :-)

The yoga sounds like it is working well & helping with your back & having no pain when you wake up has to be a positive :-)

Hope you have a lovely weekend :-)


in reply to MzMily

Hi mz well done on ur weight loss xx:)

Petita profile image
Petita in reply to MzMily

Yoga is wonderful, I got to get back at it. Nice to hear it's helping your back.

hi, hope you are well,

1. popping in to see mam in the home, so glad she loves it there.

2, taking the missus out for lunch later.

3, health wise o/h been ok, a few setbacks, but life goes on,

love jasper xx

in reply to

Morning Jasper.

Glad your mam has settled and likes where she is.

Enjoy your lunch today.Sorry to hear Mrs.N not been as good this week,she's been doing do well lately.Im sure she'll pick up.Give her my love.

Enjoy your day

Anne xxx

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thank you anne, will do, have a lovely day. love jasper xx

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:-) xx

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Hi Jasper

Surprise , food is mentioned in one of your positives :-D

Sending hugs to Mrs Newton & send her my love to :-)


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hi whywhy, hope your migraine is a lot better, nothing worse is there, o/h sends all her love, she said if i stopped eating i would probably die, dont get any better than that, love jasper xx

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Hi Mr Newton

The aura keeps coming back it is a bad one this time but I am hoping it will pass soon

Well if Mrs Newton thinks not feeding you could cause you to die then keep eating as we don't want that happening :-o

Was thinking I would never have a bet on you posting that you had lost a few pounds as one of your positives , well maybe the money kind but not the other :-D

Take Care & have a lovely weekend :-)


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hi whywhy, got you there, have lost about 9 lbs, just cutting out junk, love salads, have them when we go out, the weight loss is helping the knee, so will keep it up. love jasper xxx

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:-o Oh Mr Newton you kept that a secret well done you :-)

In a bit Mrs Newton will think she has a new man :-D

Oh do tell her Will-i-am is coming back as a judge which has made me happy & will be the end of January when the Voice starts :-)

Keep up the good work & well away from those cakes :-/

Really pleased for you :-)


Hi,welcome,I don't think we've spoken before.

Delighted you've joined in today

in reply to

hi, love it , great idea to post them, makes you think of the good days not the bad. love jasper xx

cleopetra profile image


Been a difficult week for myself and others here.

1. The support from people in this community has been a big positive.

2. Out of the blue texts messages from my youngest son yesterday.

3. Sunday dinner cooked by older son which is always a treat.

Hope everyone has a good day. :)

in reply to cleopetra


As you said it's been a hard week for some this week,but I do think you can always find something to make you feel good.

I had a lovey chat with my granddaughter this week,forgot to put that in my positives,always good to hear from family.

The support you receive on here is great,I really don't think I'd be coping at all without the advice and support I've had

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra in reply to

That must be really nice having grandchildren Anne. :)

in reply to cleopetra

Love them both to pieces,spent lots of times here when they were younger,weekends and whole weeks during the school holidays.

They are both young adults now,22 and 18. And starting to make their way in the world,so dont see as much of them now.But will be spending a long weekend with them in October.

Sorry for the "essay",just a proud nan xxxx

cleopetra profile image
cleopetra in reply to

I hope you have a lovely time with them in October. :)

in reply to cleopetra

Thank you xxxx

in reply to cleopetra

Oh Sally a son that cooks , how good is that , a real positive :-)


cleopetra profile image
cleopetra in reply to

Yes Whywhy, I am always happy to vacate my kitchen for him when he visits. :)

in reply to cleopetra

I would be to , it must be a really nice treat :-)


cleopetra profile image
cleopetra in reply to

It is. I'm very lucky. :)

Yummimummi profile image

Hi there :)

Did some chores for my nieghbour

Went to dentist for a check up

Have a nice day xxx

in reply to Yummimummi

Hi Yummi

I hope your neighbour appreciates you , if not come & be my neighbour :-/

Well done with dentist :-)


Yummimummi profile image
Yummimummi in reply to

Hi why :)

Yes he does, he looks forward to it :)

Thank you xxx

in reply to Yummimummi

Hi yummy,

Your neighbour is very lucky to have you,and it seems to have been dentist time for a few people this week

Hope your freeling a little better

Anne xxx

Yummimummi profile image
Yummimummi in reply to

Thankyou Anne,

Still feeling anxious but not as bad :) x

Hi Anne

Had to dig deep but I have found some positives at last :-)

1. The staircase , landing & hallway are finally decorated !

2. Even though not successful as I was hoping I managed to go to the doctors

3. Got a really good bargain on a coat & I like it :-/

4. Fantastic news that Will-i-am " Is " going to be back as a judge on the Voice & I need my Willy fix soon as I have been missing him :-D

Hope you have a lovely day everyone :-)




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U have great positives why, considering things have been stressy lately xx :)

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Thank You Donver :-)


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Hi why why.

Knew you'd come up with something no matter how deep you had to dig.

It's great that you can with everything you've been through this week

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Think it was the Will-i-am news that spurred me on Anne :-D


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How soon will you get your fix of him.

Hope your doing better today xxxx

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Well last year was about January just after Christmas so got my sights set around then which is not to long but not quick enough :-D

Still not feeling to great to be honest but trying to soldier on :-)


Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi Anne

Sorry I'm so late with my positives.

Bought myself a lovely bunch of yellow flowers yesterday.

My new sofa was delivered today

I am doing a Creative Writing Course which started


It was lovely reading All the positives today.

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

Evening Hannah.

Don't apologise ,just glad to see you,what lovely positives for you.

Good luck with the writing course.

Love Anne xxx

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi whywhy

Love all your positives. Especially Will I am.

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

Thank You Hannah

Have to admit the Will-i-am one was my favourite to :-D


Hi Anne xxx

Mind this week are

1. Even though I felt ill. I went out with my exposure pal as I call her now lol x resulted in buying Xmas decs yes that's right lol xx

2 had my implant out at the docs x yeahhh :)

3. My Oldests birthday today x he's 15 :)

Hope ur feeling well today xx donver

in reply to

Happy Birthday to Donvers eldest son :-)


Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Donver well done, you got through a good week.

Hannah xx

in reply to Photogeek

Aw thank you Hannah x :)

bepete profile image

Hi Anne, and friends,

My positives are as follows.

1= jobs going well.

2= new class has started

3= cars running good.

4= making new friends and learning about people's abilities .

Petita profile image
Petita in reply to bepete

Hi Pete, it's nice to make new friends and glad to hear the job is going well.

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to bepete

Hi Pete

Great to see job is going well, and everything else too, you

Deserve all the good things .


Hannah xx

Hi Pete.

All your positives are good,glad all is going well for you.

Hi pink.

Try and concentrate on the happy times you've had this week.

Misunderstandings happen in all work places,and probably not meant personally.

Have a good weekend

Love Anne xxx

Petita profile image

Hello everyone. My positives this week are:

1. Had a nice dinner with my friend on Monday.

2. Been busy at work, but have managed to keep my stress levels down by letting things go instead of worrying too much.

3. Helped my husband stay organized and work through some worries he had about school.

Wishing you all a great weekend filled with more positives.

in reply to Petita

Hi Petita.

It's good you kept your stress down in work,and I'm sure your husband appreciated the help.

Hope you had a nice dinner

Love Anne xxxx

Hi hope you are all well

1. My son and his wife flew in from Hong Kong spending a long weekend with them

2. Started Christmas shopping

3 Did some baking

I will never loose weight


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Hello Cloggs.

Enjoy every minute of your sons visit.

Xmas shopping already,you are organised,I was baking last night too,you don't have to keep tasting your bakes you know lol

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Hi Anne

I will I hate it when he goes back he comes to the uk about 4 or 5 times a year this year he will be here for Christmas so he has both family's at his house for the Christmas period. My daughter lived in Dubai for the last 9 years she came back to the uk in April so it's 1 down 1 to go then I will be happy. Have a lovely weekend.xxx

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Gosh,they are far away,but it wil be nice that you'll be together at Xmas,my two are 250 miles and about 70 miles away and I think that's far enough !!!!!!!

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Christmas shopping :-o

You are organized :-/


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Hi why why

I start early because I hate the crowds around Christmas time and I struggle with walking. My friend has wrapped and labeled her gifts I don't go that far. I hope you are feeling better and resting more. Yes I saw it in the paper about your toy boy his show starts in January. Xx

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Toy boy :-D

There isn't that much difference if you say it quick :-D

Oh yes whywhy will cheer up come then , cant wait :-/


havent had a good week but i have one positive which was starting my textiles course

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to

Hi Pink

Try and just hang on to that one thing. It's hard to have great

Weeks all the time. Well done with starting the course.

Hannah xx

Thanks for joining in Hun,glad you enjoyed your course.

Love Anne xxxx

PinkCookie profile image

Hey Anne!

Sorry I'm late :(

Well done on your positives!

Well done everyone else reading this ;)

Mine are:

1. Been to a placement this week,

2. Really got on with the children (but hmh on the staff)

3. Had a few good days!

That's about it I'm knackered this week ;)

in reply to PinkCookie

Sounds pretty good pink.

Have a good rest over the weekend and be fighting fit for Monday.

Love Anne xxxx

cazadoo profile image

Well its 9pm but its still friday. 1 i worked hard through my gold to get my website for my jewellery up.2 i managed to only spend a day and a half in bed with this vold the past 2 weeks.3wicked stepmothers 60th party tonight that i was told by my dad that me and my family arent invited to and i havent got upset by it today at all . Yay maybe an emotional break through .

jules2105 profile image

Hi Anne

I had lunch with a friend too today :-)

My positives as follows:

1. counsellor has booked me in four more counseling sessions

2. started my term of choir :-)

3. went swimming tonight

Jules x

hamble99b profile image

I had an mri. was in it for about 20 minutes and didn't have to press the buzzer to come out!

I had hypnotherapy before the first one and "went to my quiet place".

Yesterday, I tried mindfulness and - amazingly, it worked :)

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