Hi,I’ve been suffering with anxiety for some months now I have heavy chest in a daily basis And always feel out of breathe all day but it gets worse at night around bed time. Really bad headaches and can’t control my thoughts... always thing negative like something bad gn happen ....I have been to the hospital more than 10 times abs they do all kind of tests.Doctors say everything looks good. Does anyone go through the similar thing? 😩😩
Daily feelings : Hi,I’ve been suffering... - Living with Anxiety
Daily feelings

Oh yes everyday burning in stomavhe tightnrss in chest wake up to feelings of dread so i can relate to what your feeling. Not pleasant. Like you been to hosp and doctors nothing found as yet. Also tingling legs at times.
I used to go to the hospital often because I’d get such bad anxiety that I didn’t know what else to do. There’s nothing physically wrong. We just have to find ways to manage it at home. Are you on medication and have a therapist? Those are the two biggest ways to help. And then there’s little things you can do like reading, writing, going for walks, talking on here, etc. I find that essential oils calm my anxiety. I put some in my diffuser and dab some on my temples. I never really believed in them but now I really feel strongly that they work.
As for your headaches, it could be from anxiety or a side effect from a medication. Peppermint helps with headaches. Peppermint tea or oils. I’m sorry you are dealing with them. We have enough to deal with right? Physical symptoms are such a pain in the a** Sending you lots of hugs 🤗
Aww thank you 🙏🏾 I really appreciate it and I have a therapist.im not a big fan of medications.how long you’ve been suffering from anxiety? Sometimes I feel like I’m the only one going through them but it’s good to feel I’m not alone
It’s easy to feel alone because people around us seem fine. And it’s not like they wear a sign that they have anxiety or depression so we continue to think they are fine and we’re the only ones going crazy inside. But I think more people have mental illness than not. This site is a whole world of people just like you. I’ve been suffering since I was 14. I’m 36 but most of it, I just thought it was teenage stuff or situations. I also thought my anxiety was stress. Anxiety and depression really didn’t come out so open till a few years ago. Now that I know I have “mental illness” I try everything from medications to out patient therapy. I’m now doing TMS. That’s for depression though.
Ohok since you were 14?! Wow ... I only had it for a few months and it’s like it’s been forever. Do u get panic attack? How u manage all of these years cuz anxiety change lives and the things you use to do u cnt really do them anymore. Does it get better over time? The chest pain , headaches, doming feeling like you sinking, feeling weak,hot flashes etc.... I hope it gets better over time 🤦🏾♀️
I can’t speak for everyone on if it gets better over time. For me, it can get worse some days and it has changed my life a lot. I can’t leave the house, I no longer work, I cancel plans and appointments constantly. I don’t really have panic attacks anymore since I’m on medication. Since it kind of just started for you, that is actually good. You can take important steps to manage it. Also, if you’re just having anxiety, it could be environment, situation or relationship issues. And that stuff can be changed and you might be fine. Is there anything in your life that is stressful right now? Did something happen recently that could have brought this on? It’s important to think about the root of the problem. Can I ask how old you are? I don’t want it getting in your head that you’re going to deal with this for years like I have. Everyone is different! I just had a lot of trauma and bad relationships. I’m engaged and so happy with him. I can still have a life. It’s just not what it used to be.
Ohok good to know and I’m 21...I think the root of my anxiety is I let anything get me and gets me angry or scared easily. I try changing it but it’s hard and I battle with negative thoughts daily. But one thing I realize is if you keep having fun it takes ur mind of your anxiety
You are at the age where it’s normal to have anxiety. This is the time where you’re really starting to find yourself. It’s life changing growing up. But I beg you, enjoy being young. Go for your goals. Have fun going out with friends. Get closer to your family. You’re right where you are meant to be. And as time goes on, if you feel anxiety getting worse, talk to a therapist. You’re doing fine I promise 🤗
I know how you feel, I’m sorry you’re going through this right now but remember that these feelings do go away & they will, please give it some time and not think on it too much, I used to get bad around night time too I felt like that was when I was most awake thinking but I always look forward to sleeping because I can shut out all my worries and not think about anything! Trust your doctors!!