Feeling so many new things at once... I feel like I’m healing big time and feel fragile like I need to keep my guard up and hopeful yet ridiculously scared 😱 at times. I think I need to let go of something. I think I need to do some work. Maybe I’m ready for a new chapter. Something is shifting.
Feelings and change : Feeling so many... - Living with Anxiety
Feelings and change

Tell me what you need to let go of x
Ha I haven’t figured it out yet. 😜 Trying to control things possibly.
Go on, one thing x
I will let go of the idea that I am supposed to be constantly pushing at full steam or I am not doing well enough. I need to let go of an embarrassing mistake I made in the past which is too much to come out with details... ummm the notion that I should have been able to save someone close to me from taking his life.
Phew 😅
It’s natural to be anxious when lots of things are changing but also excited at the same time. I hope you have figured out what it is that needs changing! Good luck with your new chapter. Here to talk!
- Alisha
Hello Starrlight
I nearly missed your post
I always think when changes are about to happen we do feel them and we get fearful instead of embracing them as when we have anxiety we are fearful of change and yet these changes could benefit us
Let go and let them happen , if when they do and if you did not like them you could always change them back again , the power is in your hands
Take Care x

Omg 😯 Lulu how brilliant. Yes weird and awesome how we seem to have a 6th sense. I’ve got the power, yes, some things I could change back. I was just thinking that I need to do nothing but let it happen whatever it may consist of.
How are you doing’? It’s so good to read you! ❤️
Yes the power is in your hands and a good idea to do nothing and just let what ever happen with less fear because you can always make changes again if you need to
Me I am not to bad thank you for asking
Had a chipped tooth which I have had filled yet now all my teeth are aching , I do have sensitive teeth though so hopefully they will settle down
Still drinking tea are we with the little pinky
Did your Son pick a class he wanted to be in and is he getting on better now ? I do hope so
Always nice having a chat with you x
Lulu I’m sure your teeth will settle down soon. I use a mouthwash with fluoride for sensitive teeth.
Ha yes tea with pinky. 😉
Yes well turns out I got to go into the classes also and the minute I saw a certain teacher how her vibe was with her students I knew she would mesh well with my son and secretly the principal had her in mind the whole time. She teaches advanced program studies so I am happy that he won’t be as bored with the material. I am cherishing these years when they are still young.
Yes I use a sensitive toothpaste so hopefully they will settle
Glad to see you are still keeping up with the British etiquette
We will make a lady out of you yet
Start calling you Lady Starrlight soon
Brilliant news about the class you have picked and glad you got to go in to so you could have a insight , it sounds so much better for him x