Diagnosed in May. Started on Dex pulses tha went up to 120k then down below 10k twice. Shifted to Prednisone which kept platelets slightly above 10k. This was through June. IVIG shot me to 230k and back down to 17k within the second week of July. I began 75 mg Promacta in July and late August it was 57k. 2 weeks later 29k. 2 weeks later 33k. This past Friday was 7k.
Hemo said that he wants me off of Promacta on Thursday. For this week only..I am on 75mg promacta and 60mg of prednisone until Friday morning. We are beginning 4 weeks of Rituxin every Friday through October. Hemo does not feel that NPlate would work because it is virtually the same as Promacta..just in an injectible form. I hate ITP.