In spite of the rising marriage rate, the total fertility rate in Singapore has plunged to an all-time low since the 1960s. You can read more here:
Fertility Rate in Singapore drops to ... - Infertility Support
Fertility Rate in Singapore drops to record low
Oh this is sad to hear. Anyway, I believe a struggling couple always finds the way out. There are so many options nowadays! Starting form managing the hormones in the body. and ending with surrogacy. Some are more financially draining. others not. What's important is that it's never too late to fight for the happiness.
Not the best thing to hear definitely. Infertility is a huge problem which is difficult to struggle. The treatment option which completely drew my attention is mitochondria replacement therapy. I did a research and found out the following. It is thought that only females contribute the fetuses mitochondrial pool but some data suggest otherwise. Historically, mitochondrial DNA has been used to match abducted children with their mothers or grandmothers. For example, in Argentina many children were taken away from their families during past dictatorships. Currently, mitochondrial DNA is being used to help match those children with their grandmothers. It's said, mitochondrial do exponentially more than just creating energy that’s why they are so important. It's said, mitochondrial do exponentially more than just creating energy that’s why they are so important. Genomic DNA and mitochondrial DNA are both passed off to offspring. While it is true that the developing fetus will derive most of its genetic material from their parents. They will also have the mitochondrial DNA of the donor. While the genes for some mitochondrial proteins are encoded within the genomic DNA, others are found in mitochondria. Each mitochondria contains at least 1 to 2 copies of mitochondrial DNA and each time a mitochondria multiplies it duplicates its DNA. Mitochondria and consequently their DNA are passed from mother to offspring. So basically if the offspring is a female she will pass on her genomic DNA and the donor’s mitochondrial DNA to her offspring. Normal genetic testing usually targets genomic DNA so no one ever thinks about the other unless diagnosed with a mitochondrial disorder, for example..But anyway this is quite the option to try out. Hope this might be useful too.
The good new definitely is that nowadays women over forty yrs old who had multiple failed ivf cycles can get prego and carry a genetically related baby. This is possible through the mitochondria donation treatment. Mitochondria are cell organelles that convert nutrients into energy. And this energy is needed to drive many processes in organism. A mitochondrion provides energy needed to ensure effective functioning of organs. There is often a decline in mitochondria function in oocytes of women above forty. That could be the reason for implantation failure. Mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to multiple failed IVF cycles.
Here's how it works. Healthy mitochondria are retrieved from a donor’s egg and transferred to a patient’s egg. Then the oocyte is fertilized and a healthy embryo is transferred into a patient’s uterus.
A mitochondrial donor IS NOT a genetic parent of a future baby!! Donated mitochondria account for less than 1% of the baby’s DNA!! Therefore, women who donate their mitochondria will not have any rights for the baby. Mitochondrial donation is anonymous.
Mitochondrial donation program is a breakthrough in reproductive medicine. Infertility is a global health issue that is breaking records and now surrogacy and egg donation treatment are becoming first choices for women. Through these treatments, thousands of couples are becoming parents. Mitochondrial donation makes it possible for a woman to carry and give birth to a child genetically related to both parents on her own. Three-parent baby program allows thousands of infertile women all around the world to carry and give birth to genetically related to them babies. In Ukraine, for example, only one clinic provides such programs. The package costs depend on the number of attempts ## Also the prices for mitochondrial donation programs are inevitably increasing: 6500 EUR - 1 shot with mitochondrial replacement. 9900 EUR - 2 shots. 14900 EUR - 5 shots.
Am definitely joining! Mitochondrial replacement therapy is one of the innovative methods to treat infertility. This option is relevant to women over forty years old who have treated infertility with no luck. In the most of cases women have a low functional activity of mitochondria. And those in their turn are the most important components of any cell. Mitochondria are often called “cellular power plants”. It's so because of their ability to convert nutrient molecules into energy. Mitochondria provide eggs with the necessary energy for normal functioning. A woman facing the constant failure, needs to restore the mitochondria of oocytes..Taking into consideration the number of eggs decreases with age. If there are not enough functionally active mitochondria in the eggs, then it is possible to become a mother using mitochondrial donation + IVF. Fertility specialists find an egg donor with high functional mitochondrial activity. These healthy mitochondria are taken from the donor's egg cell, integrated with the patient’s cells, then fertilized with the sperm of the husband/partner. A healthy embryo is then transferred to the uterus. 1 shot of mitochondria donation + ivf abroad, for ex., costs 6500 euros.
Just for general outlook, I've got interested in this option myself.
Hi there! Whilst passing treatments we got them mix of As, Bs and Cs. One never knows how well it will work in a lab. One time we counted on perfect ones and got them not right. Other - devastated we'd get the same poor results, the situation actually improved..This is a cruel game of number and quality and whether those embies can go on to successful pregnancies..Good luck to all with your peas, fingers crossed.