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Kay_K profile image
8 Replies


So I have Endometriosis and PCOS after years of painful intercourse, irregular bleeding, very painful periods.

Despite almost living at my Doctors Surgery for the pain, nothing was done about it apart from prescribing pain killers.

After 2 years of not conceiving, I was referred to a fertility specialist who suspected Endometriosis. I was booked in for a laparoscopy, dye test and ovarian drilling. They had told me the Endometriosis was in tubes and buried my ovary which has left me when adhesions and Scar tissue. They also stayed the dye went through but under high pressure.

My periods were regular after the operation and I had no pain at all during intercourse and I began to feel positive again.

I then continued ttc but as there was no luck I underwent one cycle of IVF (private). I over stimulated and due to this could only produce 3 eggs and one fertilised. I was over the moon, however it failed to implant. Was distraught also because my consultant admitted that my injections during the cycle were too high hence why I overstimulated.

4 years after IVF my symptoms of Endometriosis started to return. I am now in a new relationship and we are hoping for a baby...but still no luck. I have had another laparoscopy a few weeks ago. They found Endometriosis in my womb and rectum. But had said my tubes were open. Haven’t period yet so unsure of the result of the lap. I have however have an infection in my vein where they had inserted the cannula which has spread up my arm- am currently on a course of antibiotics but apart from that I feel fine after the lap!

So that’s my 8 year story! I am still holding onto faith and hope one day I will have that BFP!!

Would love to hear positive stories.....

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Kay_K profile image
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8 Replies
Mel77 profile image

Hello, honey!

Here's my story. I'm a ripe aged woman, years ago diagnosed on luteal phase deffect. Here I've used to hear 'Love, this is not a big deal. Adding some progesteron will definitely help!' So probably it would have helped if only my eggs were healthy..After years of ttc actively and trying things aimed at fertility boosting, like:

a sperm friendly lubricant

a supplement with Myo-Inositol


extra vitamin B6 and Zinc

continue tracking my BBT and using an OPK

drinking more water

eating fertility friendly foods

getting 7-8 hours of sleep

getting to the right BMI

We did find ourselves at a fertility clinic overseas. Our dr gave us less than 10% verdict of conceiving with oe. We didn't want to risk as playing game with those own egg quality. So after long discussions decided to go egg donation route. I conceived twins with the 2nd ivf shot. Though the whole process was not smooth and easy. I mean my doubting whether I was naughty with requirements for our donor. The point is that we chose 2. Intended donor#1 had at that time a 1,5 yo baby, so I wandered whether she could be perfectly fit for releasing high quality eggs. Donor#2 was 28 yo and had 2 kids of her own, but I thought she was too old to participate..I know this sound silly now when we've been through ivf and when now we know the aspects one should be aware of firsthanded. But then all unanswered questions really drove me crazy.

The story continues like this. Having already had twins through de ivf we decided to apply to the same place for one more/two more babies :) This time I'm sure we've got more benefits. We know the clinic, the process, the tips on how to 'survive' in far away from home. We know many people from the clinic who were increadibly helpful whilst passing previous treatments. We still have some friends who are currently passing infertility treatments there. I'm sure this will make a huge change..Waiting impatiently for the start of the journey#2.

I hope you'll not waste time reading my post. I really wanted to tell you that I believe you are very much on time. I loved this one ~ Sydney is 3 hours ahead of Perth, but that doesn’t make Perth slow. Someone graduated at the age of 22. But waited 5 years before securing a good job. Someone became a CEO at 50 and lived to 90 years. Someone is still single, while someone else got married. Everyone in this world works based on their time zone. People around you might seem to be ahead of you. And some might seem to be behind you. But everyone is running their own race, in their own time. Do not envy them and do not mock them. They are in their time zone, and you are in yours. Life is about waiting for the right moment to act. So relax. You’re not early. You’re not late. You are very much on time~

I'm praying for your coming luck, honey. May God bless you always xx

JustKnewIt profile image

Brave worrior you are! I've already shared this on board.

Time ago I couldn't hear sth like 'You've still got a plenty of time!' 'It will happen!' Those made me cry each time though I knew people wanted to support me. I've never been open about my health issues, letting them be my personal struggle. I mean friends, colleagues, neighbours. This was defenitely none of their business. Fertility boards were the safest for me. I could be understood by people sailing in the same boat with me and never be judged of my 'deffects'. Our cases differ. I was born without a womb. It's hard to say how low I felt when my partner proposed me years ago..I burst into tears & was hard to stop that crying. He knew about my issues but he did it! Once dh said: 'Well, enough resting -- let's do the thing!' I was astonished how confident he felt about this. In a meanwhile we both spent every spare min to look for options. Underwent needed testings, talked to experienced people, consulted fertility experts, found several clinics then finally stopped at one overseas. We applied for surrogacy. Our embryo was implanted in the summer 2013. Sweet Laria was born weighing 8 lb 12 oz by planned Caesarean on March,17, 2014 and I was at surrogate's side in the operating room.

I know how hard the situation you are in is. I've never been meant to experience pregnancy myself so we found a woman who did it for us. I'm afraid we cannot do much about the treatments. This must be a bunch of circumstances: God's wish/country/clinic/staff/body/beans .. Sometimes it takes more than 1 shot to conceive. 1 is behind already, hoping another one will bring you long awaited luck.

Keeping you in my prayers X

Karinyaa profile image

Hi, hun! Some of my infertility history goes like this. Married with dh for 10 years, 2 of which spent ttc. Dh had low sperm count and motility. My dx: severe endo. Among the options we tried were IUI & ICSI shots. They brought no luck leaving us childless alone with our grief. I thoght this was the end of the story and that we had to take the things as they were. Got some bad news. Dr told us we couldn't use my eggs any more as the verdict of conceiving with them was less than 5% which I knew was too low. In plain words, use donor egg or forget about conceiving at all. It's so hard to find words to tell you what we were feeling then. My entire world had crushed. The only thing I was supposed to do in my life, my only wish of having a baby was disappearing. I was feeling broken I could do nothing about this and my genes were going to die with me..Another thing was taking a stranger's eggs..I thought I could never let it go. Having my head stuck with all those thoughts I had to take some time off job. I could never stand people sympathizing me, telling, poor thing we know how it feels. Don't worry you'll have a baby. You can count on us (still no idea in what way..) I know they didn't want to hurt me and these were just efforts to support me, but for my ear it didn't sound endurable..I wanted to hide from all of them. I wanted nobody to say a single word of this 'support' to me. The best way I found out for me was hiding 'behind a screen' like you're doing now..I'm here with you, dear, lovely, strong Moving. I dont know how the thought of using donor eggs came into my mind. I cannot recollect any special episodes leading me to this decision. But we did use donor egg, and we did become prego with our boy though from the 3rd attempt only. All our previous blasties went away in peace and love..

We never know when our strugglings will end. I was going insane with all the failures faced. Our IVF#3 I was in low of spirits, almost hopeless and indifferent. But to my amazement it worked out. I couldn't believe success & that all my fears were behind..So that I could give all my love to my newborn son..He's my true blessing. Kids are always blessing. I'm praying for you and everyone in this need for the soon luck so that you could start a new, completely awesome stage of life. God bless you!

Kay_K profile image
Kay_K in reply to Karinyaa


I’m so happy that you had your baby in the must make all the struggles of conceiving worth waiting for.

Thank you for your positive story and kind words xxx

Kay_K profile image


You are definitely right in me looking at other methods and researching.

Thank you for your reply and will keep you updated xx

andylins profile image

Joining the thread with my long but positive. here's me, Andy, 37 yrs oldie. DH – 38. We began ttc since 2008. Faced 2 chemical pregnancies the 2 following years. My dr put me on Clomid 50 but ended with another chemical :( Oct-Dec 2010 Fermara 5 and Purgon 75. Had 3 months break from treatments. Feb & Mar & Apr 2011 IUI #1 & 2 & 3 Purgon 150 & Clomid 100 BFN x3. IVF #1 Superfact & Puregon 300. 10 eggs retrieved, 8 mature, 6 eggs fertilized, 2 survived. Transferred 2 low grade morulas on day 5 – BFN. Switched the clinics. We wanted a guaranteed program which would cover us from losing money. Our new dr told she wants us to use donor egg. IVF#1- transferred 1 grade 4AA embryo – BFN. Dr made some changes into treatment protocol. IVF#2 - transferred 2 blasts. BFP on 6dp5dt!! 1st Beta 148. 2nd Beta- 315. 7wk 3d ultrasound - 1 heartbeat 138bpm, measuring 7wks 3ds!! My sweet son born via C-section.

We're currently with the same place, working for a sibling for our DS! :) I'm hoping your greatest joy is soon ahead. One day you'll be sharing your story of success with others to support them and say god always blesses us for waiting..Sending you much of love and support and care. Hugs xx

Kay_K profile image
Kay_K in reply to andylins

Thank you for you’re reply, an I really hope you have your happy ending also. X

JanetteMarvin profile image

Hi Kay_K! Hope now you feel well. Can share my story: I suffer from endometriosis in a neglected form and hormonal imbalance so I can't have children on my own. My husband watched my grief and offered to apply surrogacy. I felt very suspicious and scared at the beginning of our surrogacy route but now I'm very grateful he convinced me to try. I have Ukrainian roots and heard a lot about reproductive centers there, about their incredibly low prices - it's 3-5 times cheaper than in US, for exapmle. We arrived to Ukraine and visited seven different clinics in Kyiv to make a right choice. We even made our own list of advantages and vice versa of all of them, so can tell you about our observation, just text me via email:

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